A teenager who recently wound up in Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem after being struck by a vehicle serves as an incredible reminder of the serious injury that can result when a pedestrian is struck by a motor vehicle. The 19-year-old was considered lucky to be alive after being hit by a vehicle that was traveling at approximately 40 miles per hour (the speed limit in the area is 55 mph). Though in this particular incident, it did not appear that speed or alcohol were contributing factors to the accident, that is not always the case when a pedestrian is injured, which is why anyone who is injured in a car accident should always seek the legal counsel of a lawyer as soon as possible. Although the young man who suffered the injury is expected to make a full recovery, according to spokespersons at the Winston-Salem hospital, his life will be forever changed. He now faces multiple surgeries and an unknown amount of physical therapy as a result of the accident. In addition, like all those who suffer serious injury, the medical bills are beginning to reach astronomic levels. Because a pedestrian injury can be catastrophic, it is essential for those victimized by the neglect or recklessness of the other to get help from a personal injury lawyer in order to ensure that justice prevails and that responsible parties are held accountable. Your lawyer will want to investigate all aspects of your case to determine who bears responsibility for the injury, since in many accidents, multiple parties shoulder some portion of the blame. Once your lawyer determines who should be held financially liable for your injury and the ensuing medical expenses, your lawyer will aggressively pursue the maximum level of compensation to which you are entitled. In addition, your lawyer can work with medical care professionals to ensure that you are receiving the best of medical care, including all necessary diagnostic procedures, as well as the most effective and cutting edge treatments available. Even if the driver was not cited in the incident, do not assume that there is no culpability on the driver’s part or with some other third party. Only by consulting with an experienced injury lawyer can you determine whether or not you may be eligible for benefits from another driver or a third party. If you are in the Winston-Salem area and have suffered an injury in a motor vehicle accident, consult with a Winston-Salem injury lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that you get the justice and the compensation that you deserve. With seven offices across North Carolina, Carl Nagle is a former claims adjuster and insurance defense lawyer who has experience, focus, and demonstrated success in providing dedicated client service in accident litigation. Contact Winston-Salem injury lawyer Carl Nagle at Nagle & Associates by calling 336.723.4500 or toll free 800.411.1583 or visit www.naglefirm.com/Winston-Salem for a FREE initial consultation.
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