Though recent amendments have attempted to grant same-sex couples legal standing in our state, Colorado currently does not recognize gay marriages or civil unions. Consequently, Colorado does not have any mechanism by which a gay couple can divorce. In fact, states that do not recognize gay marriage do not allow gay couples to divorce, either. However, that could change if state lawmakers in Rhode Island approve a proposal that would allow same-sex couples who were legally married in other states to obtain a divorce in Rhode Island. The Rhode Island House Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing this week to look into the proposal. Currently, Rhode Island does not have a law that recognizes gay marriage. Like Colorado, it also does not allow gay couples that got married in states like neighboring Massachusetts to file for divorce in Rhode Island. However, proponents of the bill say that the state is placing undue hardship on gay couples by forcing them to go out of state if they wish to divorce. Critics of the legislation argue that a state that does not recognize the marriage does not have the ability to grant a divorce. Not surprisingly, given the argument of the critics, the Judiciary Committee will also review legislation that would allow gay couples to get married in the state of Rhode Island, though a similar bill failed in Rhode Island last year, just as it did in Colorado. If such a bill were to pass, the divorce legislation would undoubtedly follow. Meanwhile, as states like Colorado and Rhode Island consider bills, amendments, and other legislation pertaining to same-sex couples, the same-sex couples who live in these states continue to live, work, and raise their families, usually without the same legal standing as their heterosexual counterparts. And though legal divorce may not currently be an option, they do often need assistance in determining what parenting arrangements will look like if their relationship ends. Therefore, regardless of what your family dynamic is, if you live in Colorado and are facing a divorce, the dissolution of a long-term relationship, or child custody issues, it is important that you have the advice and counsel of an attorney who specializes in family law issues like divorce. It is often necessary to fight to protect your rights, your own well-being, and the best interests of your child or children and your attorney will help you to do so. In addition, your attorney will understand how the laws of Colorado divorce apply to you and your particular situation and will be able to guide you on how to best proceed. Vernon Ready Family Law is the right choice in Colorado divorce cases. Offering divorce mediation in Colorado, Vernon Ready is accessible, aggressive, and compassionate. Vernon Ready offers a no-nonsense, reasonable approach to divorce and separation, child custody and support, adoption, GLBT partners and parents, and legal agreements. Ask a free legal question or schedule a private consultation by calling 720-201-3802 or visit
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