If or when you are stopped by an officer of the law and are suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol, do you know what to do? Advice from the best DUI attorney can be the difference in the outcome of your case. It is never advisable to drive while intoxicated. The combination of a moving vehicle and an impaired driver behind the wheel can have devastating and sometimes fatal consequences. Despite that, being pulled over while being suspected of a DUI will continue to happen to some people. If it should happen to you, do you know what to do? To begin with, never refuse to take a sobriety test. But instead of saying no, tell the arresting officer that you need to consult with your attorney prior to answering any questions or agreeing to take any test. This is not considered a refusal. Above all never say, "No, I will not take the sobriety test," or anything close to that; just ask to speak with your attorney first. The advice from the best DUI attorney will be along this line. If you are arrested, it is best that you wait to say anything until you and your attorney have consulted with one another. It does not matter how much time has passed. If you are pulled over in the middle of the night, then you might be incarcerated until the morning when you can consult with your attorney. Accept this without any problem. When the morning comes and you are able to discuss things with your attorney, then he may ask you to perform the sobriety test. Do as you are instructed by your attorney. One positive outcome of this approach is that you did not refuse a request from the officer to take the test. All you did was ask that they allow you to talk to your attorney first. This is your right as an American citizen. The advice from the best DUI attorney should be followed to the letter. Just remember only ask for your rights and never say no. Just like doctors have their own areas of expertise, so do attorneys. Felony attorneys, for example, require a lot of knowledge and experience that pertain to the laws in the locations their cases take place in. Be sure to check out Attorney Info Now to get more Free information about other types of attorneys and how they work to protect your rights.
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