Your Cash is no longer safe! This is a quick and dirty post because I think this news needs to get out right now! I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes, because this is so important that I am posting this without a review! I learned of this when a friend sent me this news, and I was shocked. So the Story Headline is people are hiding their cash in their microwave. Why is this being done? See Sweden's privately owned central bank has made a move to force their subjects to give up cash and instead adapt a wholly electronic banking system where ALL purchases are tracked. Under the guise of protecting the country from terrorist, Sweden's government wants the ability to know on what and how each and every Krona is spent. To those that are awake, you realize that this information certainly would serve no purpose in tracking and preventing terrorist activities. What it does do however is set up that nation for the implementations of certain New World Order/UN objectives. This being items such as the Codex Alimentarius agenda and the One World Money agenda of the IMF because as long as people have a means of exchange that is not tracked it is nearly impossible to force what they can and cannot buy and in what quantity. Additionally, an individual’s wealth cannot be tracked, nor can you force people to become wards of the state. It is important to note that the citizens of Sweden are resisting to migration to the Euro by a margin of more than ten to one and as a result have seen the value of the Krona increase 8 fold over the Euro. How is this being done? The central bank has issued a negative prime lending interest rate. Ever hear of the before? Most of you have heard of our privately owned central bank named the Federal Reserve issuing the prime lending rate. What this rate is actually is the cost to the American People and Government for use of Money. Now I want to make clear what that means. This is not an interest rate you need to worry about ONLY when you are applying for a loan as the news media would have you believe. See since all money in the US, both paper and electronic is OWNED by the Federal Reserve, which is also privately owned, that interest rate is what the American People have to pay to this private bank to hold and use their money. The interest, which that rate represents, is paid on this debt that can never be repaid via income tax. We have all heard that the lower the Primary Interest rate, the better. But isn't a negative number smaller than a positive? No, that false mathematical concept taught in school is completely wrong. Negative numbers are very real and get larger as you move from zero. Negative is a sign of direction, not quantity. So what does a negative Prime Interest rate mean? Let's take a look at some simple math to make it clear. In our example a depositor places a $100 dollars in a bank. The bank pays this individual interest of say 3%. So over a year the $100 dollars "earns" 3 dollars and at the end of the year the depositor now has $100+$3=$103 dollars. Simple enough right? Even if the bank doesn't pay interest the depositor would have $100 at the end of the year (assuming no fees). What about a negative interest rate? Well let's do the math. 100x(-.03)=(-3). Take the -3 and add it to the hundred dollars and what do you have? $100+(-3)=$97 dollars. That's right, the quantity of the money in the account declines. If a person does nothing, all of their money will be confiscated overtime. This forces people to withdraw their money from the bank and place it into some physical holdings like a safe or in the case of Sweden apparently a microwave oven. The reality is that most people cannot effectively save money when they have a pile of cash sitting around. Over time the average person will start to "bleed off" this cash reserve and place the money into circulation. Italy has joined Sweden in issuing a negative Prime Lending Rate. What happens next? Once the money goes into circulation inflation starts to climb. This means now that the income of individuals becomes worth less and living day to day costs more. This causes the individual to "bleed off" their savings even faster just to keep up. The central bank will now "confiscate" the hard fiat cash in the name of "slowing inflation" and replace it with electronic cash. When the dust settles, the average person will no longer hold any hard assets, indeed they may not have any assets, only the electronic assets that can be tracked, controlled, and confiscated at any time by the "authorities". Can it Happen Here? Most certainly! Historically we have seen that the New World Order/UN have used Europe as a lab to run "Test Case" in order to refine processes before running them in the more independent minded US. If they are now doing this in Europe, you can count on this happening in the US within a few years. What to do? Find out more at
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