The global economic crisis in 2008 had a great impact on the U.A.E. Several banks reported that there were high non-performing loans from 2009 to 2011. Thankfully, the economy recovered well and quickly after the financial meltdown. The reason that the U.A.E. could recover so quickly, was because they immediately set up an additional liquidity facility of around 14 billion dollars, which was available to the banks should they need it, but was luckily not really used. This crucial move stabilized the banks, and prevented further repercussions from the financial crisis. With the proactive steps taken by the government, as well as the blessing of natural crude oil, the economy of the U.A.E was able to bounce back quite effortlessly from what seemed like complete bankruptcy to most people. There are around 23 local banks in the U.A.E., as well as 28 foreign banks operating there. These banks also have special Islamic banking, which has become increasingly famous in recent years. There are different kinds of accounts available, and foreigners have the option of opening their bank accounts either in the local currency, or in a foreign currency. Almost all the banks in the U.A.E. allow their customers to avail of personal Internet banking. The country in general is technologically savvy, and almost everything can be done over the web. Apart form this, all banks have ATM facilities, and customers of one bank can use the ATM of another bank. There is also a number of business banking facilities available to the large number of businessmen in the country. Current account holders can make cheque payments for all of their day-to-day expenses. Based on the credit of the account holder, overdraft facilities are also available to current account holders. Whether you having personal or corporate banking needs, the banks in the U.A.E. are more than capable of helping you reach your goals. Even though they did meet with a slight set back due to the financial crisis, they have showed great power in being able to recover so fast, when most of the world is still reeling from the aftermath of the economic meltdown. The Central Bank of the U.A.E. has laid down several guidelines in 2011 to regulate loans and other banking services offered to individuals in an attempt to control all the banking to ensure stability. The export of oil from the entire gulf region has doubled since the year 2009. They exports have now reached 1 trillion Dollars. It is expected that by 2020, the figure will reach 2 trillion Dollars. With such promising figures, it is evident that the banking sector in the U.A.E. is really very strong.
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