Is your website up and running, but without any traffic? Bringing traffic to your website is much harder than it sounds. Most people are trying, but are not succeeding because they are not choosing the correct method to get their website out in the open. That method… writing articles. Writing articles is one of the best ways to bring traffic to a website. It is not only bringing traffic to your website, but you are also helping the reader by writing useful information. Here is the process of writing articles and submitting them to article marketing directories. Start out by writing 5-15 articles that are 300-500 words in length. You want your articles to be unique, but not too long, because it will seem over whelming for the reader. You can also outsource articles or writers, just search "articles writers" or "articles for sale" in any search engine. The titles of the articles need to be eye catching. For example, “How To Make Your Website DISCOVERED” instead of “5 Ways To Bring Traffic To Your Website”. Your articles should be relevant to the information on your site and should be useful and valuable to the reader. For example, if your website is about health you could write an article about exercising; on the other hand if your website is about marketing you could write an article about different marketing strategies. Your articles should NOT have any links to your website, the links will go in the author’s resource box. After you write your article, you need to write what will go in your author’s resource box. The author’s resource box contains a little information about the author and has the link to the website you’re trying to promote; thus, you want your article to pre-sell to your reader. Lastly, you need to submit your article to as many different article marketing directories as you can. For example, and The best thing about submitting your articles to article marketing directories is that anyone can use your article as long as they leave the author’s resource box intact; therefore, a better chance of your link being clicked on. Another great thing about submitting your articles to EzineArticles and ArticleAlley is that many of the autoblogging scripts come from these two websites. You will need to repeat this whole process as soon as possible, so you have a better chance of people clicking on your link. My name is Savannah Gravett and I'm a young entrepreneur teach people how to become successful at an online business and/or marketing your online business. There are many easy tips one can learn and apply to any business. To learn more visit me at
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