For many people, time used to be the most valuable thing to them. The reality is that things have changed and most people are struggling to meet their monthly expenditure. For this reason, when they come to purchase items, shopping around is certainly something that they need to do. If they shop around, generally they will find items that they need at much lower than retail prices. Sometimes, even high street retailers will offer prices up to 10% below the retail price on products. The reality about main stream bid sites! It used to be that if a consumer wanted to make large savings, they needed to head for online bidding sites. This can sometimes be time consuming, as it means going up against other bidders, time after time. Of course, as bid sites have got bigger, finding a better deal has also become much harder. On brand new items, savings of 20-30% were not necessarily uncommon. Nowadays, many people are finding that by using main stream bid sites they are lucky to make a 10% saving. Obviously for the time and stress involved with bidding, this is simply not worth the hassle and consumers might as well go to high street retailers. Alternatives to the main stream There are still opportunities out there for people to save lots of cash. It will involve them thinking outside of the box though. For example, there are bid sites that work in an untraditional fashion. Instead of offering bid up auctions, they offer what is known as "lowest unique bid auctions". It does exactly what is says on the tin; the lowest unique bid will win the auction. It does not matter if the lowest bid is £1.01 on a £10,000 product, if that is the lowest unique bid, the bidder will receive the item for the price of £1.01. Obviously this provides a real opportunity to save sums of cash that many people thought might not ever be possible! What is the catch? The main thing that initially puts people off lowest unique bid websites is the fact that each bid will need to be paid for. Main stream sites do not charge bidders, but then again, they are not offering bidders anything of special value as winning bids always represent fair market value for both the buyer and seller. What unique bid sites do is give people the chance to save thousands, for the sake of a few pounds. Of course, implementing a strategy is the best way to succeed when using these websites. In fact, many people have realised that they have an opportunity to buy items and then sell them on for a profit, because they have figured out how to win auctions on a regular basis! Conclusion The traditional auction format will always have a place online, however the huge growth in alternative auctions is proof that they are also here to stay. The chances to save reasonable amounts of cash on standard bid up auction sites are getting fewer, which is why people need to think outside of the box. Using online pay per bid auction sites, such as the lowest unique bid wins style, is considered to be a much better idea by a growing number of people. A favourite unique bid auction site is BidGrid where the lowest unique bid wins every auction. You can bid without any risk of loosing and they also have a free practice area - click here
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