Driving traffic to your website is crucial to the success of any internet marketing business. It doesn't matter how much money you invest or hard work and time you spend designing a great website or crafting a valuable product; if you can't drive traffic, ie visitors, to your website, your online business isn't going to make much money. The good news is that it's not necessary to spend money in order to generate that traffic to your website, although you will have to spend some time and do some work. Below you will find five completely free strategies to drive traffic to your site that when used together as part of an overall traffic generation strategy will deliver incredible results. Article marketing Article marketing is one of the oldest yet most effective traffic generation strategies you can employ. Some people think that article marketing is a thing of the past following all the recent Google policy updates. However, what these people don't understand is that Google likes article marketing. What it doesn't like, though, is poor quality articles. This means you need to offer your audience valuable information through your articles. With article marketing you win twice. First, when you write an informative article that's relevant to your niche, you are proving your expertise, which allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your field and helps you build a relationship with your target market. Second, article marketing is an excellent way to drive traffic to your site via the search engines as it provides quality backlinks, which will help boost your site's rankings in the search engine results pages. Many internet marketing entrepreneurs use sites like EzineArticles and Web 2.0 platforms such as Xomba, Infobarrel, Wizzley, Squidoo and HubPages to post their articles, and this is an excellent strategy. However, if you want to take your article marketing to the next level, consider guest blogging. With guest blogging, you find reputable blogs in your niche and offer to write a guest post. Of course, you will first need to build a relationship with the owner of the blog but it's well worth it because you will gain a massive amount of exposure. Social media marketing Let's face it. Everyone is on a social media platform somewhere. People socialise on these platforms much more than they do in real life nowadays, and if you want to succeed in internet marketing, you have to be present. Social media platforms not only make it easy for you to find your target market but they also allow you to connect with and build a relationship with your prospects. The key to successful social media marketing, though, is to offer value first, before you ask for anything in return. It will take some time to build this relationship before you can drive traffic to your site but the advantage is that once these people become your customers, they will be extremely loyal to you. Forum marketing Like social media marketing, forum marketing allows you to connect directly with your audience. The benefits include gaining an in-depth understanding of your target market as well as generating targeted traffic to your website. By reading forums in your niche, you will be able to find out exactly what drives your prospects and what their fears, needs and desires are. With this information, you will be able to create products and craft marketing messages that speak directly and specifically to your audience. To maximise the effectiveness of forum marketing as a traffic generation strategy, you need to get involved. Take part in discussions, answer questions and even ask questions. You can't expect to see results if you simply spam your link without first offering any value to other forum members. Remember, the key to success in internet marketing is to offer value first. Once you do that, the traffic will come. Video marketing Video marketing has become a highly effective traffic generation strategy because an increasing number of people are spending their time on media-sharing sites like YouTube. By creating simple, yet high quality videos that offer value to your target market, you will be able to drive traffic to your site easily. TIP: To generate even more traffic when submitting your videos to sites like YouTube, first find other videos in your niche that have generated high numbers of views and then post one of your videos as a response. This way your videos will gain even more exposure. Image marketing Pinterest is a website that has made image marketing, or marketing through pictures, a great way to generate traffic for your website. Many internet marketing entrepreneurs have turned to Pinterest as it has become one of the top traffic sources online. This website allows you to share interesting images with the rest of the world by "pinning" your content. It's even more effective when other people share your content so make sure that you include an interesting photo with every article you create. Note that Pinterest can also be used to share videos, which is another highly effective traffic generation approach given that it can create a lot of exposure for great videos. In conclusion, traffic generation is essential to internet marketing because without people visiting your site, you don't stand a chance of making money through your website. However, bear in mind that the name of the game nowadays is relationship marketing, which means that you first need to build up a relationship with your target market and offer them tonnes of value before you make any offers. So, there you have it: five proven techniques for generating traffic to your website without having to spend any money. Choose the method that most appeals to you and give it a go. You will soon see for yourself just how effectively these techniques can work to help you build your business. Discover step-by-step a simple strategy that generated $4,442 in 4 weeks...and learn how you can do the same even if you are just starting out and have no list! Plus discover lots of other tips, tools and training to help you develop a successful internet marketing business. http://internetmarketingexplained.net/
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