With the multitude of social networks, forums and chat site users join in to and are active in, it is quite difficult to track everything posted on a site, at the same time remember which site it was posted on, in what day and even at what time. Online activity is an inevitable part of modern life and it is not a rare event to become lost in the sea of posts, replies and references. But just as each person has a unique thumb mark, so too do online posts. Post Tracker is an organizational system that searches and tracks all posts by a specific username, an IP address, a profile and other means of identification. Tracking within a site or in between several sites using a unique signature or a linked account is made easy. Consider a website moderator, webmaster or client who wants to check for potential threats or a history of offenses based on complaints. All that is needed to verify a complaint and to choose a course of action is to use PostMaster to gather the needed data. On a lighter perspective, imagine a user who user who actively posts various links, opinions and questions but gets lost due to the abundance of users also active within the site - this user may be assisted by PostMaster to track the needed posts therefore facilitating the smooth use of the website for each member. The Post Tracker is for clients and users who need to review data about posts and activities in the effort to track and organize postings for easy reference and retrieval. Recognizing the need for clean and purely goal-driven services, New Media Services offers its very own “POSTMASTER” – an added feature to “WWW Moderation” service which is a moderation system geared towards clients who want professional service for their website needs. Postmaster provides you with the organizational tracking that is a step above the competition. WWW Moderation’s very own tracking software “Postmaster” can track, view, edit and post at a click of a button via detailed web post tracking. With Postmaster as an added feature to WWW Moderation’s system, the service can monitor and track developments in marketing methods per website or via time-stamped data. New Media Services has in its employ, a large team of experts to handle client-demands and assist in your company’s goals by shouldering the weight of moderating undesired website threats like SPAM, Flames, Trolling, False or unpermitted Advertising, Outside Linking, Illegal Programs/Scripts, Piracy and Censor Bypassing. New Media Services is in the forefront in bringing real people, who give live interactive support services, catering for both the Web and Mobile industries. We lead in providing global outsourcing services utilizing real people. We are the ultimate resource for all your information and entertainment requirements, backed by a team of dedicated and skilled staff. For more information visit or email us at New Media Services
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