Search engine optimization can be difficult for some people to understand, but with a little practice and experience, anyone can master the fundamentals and make the best possible use of Utah SEO to improve their online business. When you begin learning about SEO, remember that it can be based on just four key principles. The first principle is to identify the right keywords. To understand how Utah SEO works, this step will be the most important of all the research you do. Unless you know exactly which keywords are being searched for, how competitive these keywords are, or which keywords drive conversions and traffic, there is simply no point in beginning an SEO campaign at all. Believe it or not, there is actually a mathematical approach to identifying the right keywords. Some of the factors you will need to consider are volume, search engine result counts, keyword phrases used in title tags, Alexa Rankings, and the Google Page Rank of your competitors. All of these factors can be mathematically combined to give you the best possible Utah SEO results. The second principle deals with on- and off-page optimization. On-page optimization is when a search engine’s little indexing spiders come to visit a specific page on your website and tries to identify what that subject matter of that page is. Indexing spiders cannot read images, only text, so it is very important to have exceptional formatting for every page of your website. The text on any given page will include Title tags, Meta tags, Description tags, Image Alt text, Link alt text, link anchor text, and regular body text. Indexing spiders will also consider what type of formatting you have on that page, such as bulleted lists, the use of bold, italics or underlined text, and your use of H1 tags. You will also want to consider the density of your keyword phrases. Use your most important keyword phrases several times throughout your website so they will draw a lot of attention for the indexing spiders. Be careful not to use these keyword phrases too much, though, because search engines frown on that too. When it comes to off-page optimization, indexing spiders care more about inbound links, or backlinks, which are links that lead to your website from other websites or sub-pages. The quality of these links is very important. If these backlinks come from other quality websites with relevant content that the general public would genuinely be interested in, the more search engines will love them. The third key principle to Utah SEO is site structure. The way you structure your website can have a significant affect on its overall performance. Duplicate content is one of the most common problems today. Search engines hate duplicate content and can penalize you for having it on your website by giving you a worse ranking. Some duplicate content problems occur from dynamic sites returning to the same web page under a different URL, or when the URL tracking codes are carried throughout the site as a visitor navigates through it, or a site whose link structure includes bounce from http to https pages with the same content. These SEO hazards are easily spotted by search engines, so don’t make any mistakes that will get your penalized in the future. The fourth key principle is in building quality backlinks. There are several places where you can start building credible inbound links, including directory submissions, press releases, testimonials of products you have used, off-site blogging, sponsoring non-profit events, or by working with your vendors and customers to get links from their websites. You can also build backlinks through social networks like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIN or other sources of strong communication.
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