As the recession leaves millions of workers unemployed and families struggling to make ends meet, one expense many Americans are cutting is their auto insurance coverage. But cheap auto insurance in San Francisco is readily available if one shops around for competitive rates. In the state of California, 15 percent of drivers are uncovered, making them a liability to themselves and to others if they get into an accident. This is higher than the national average of 13.8 percent. Although the vast majority of states in the United States require auto insurance, approximately one in seven drivers is uninsured. If you live in a heavily populated area like San Francisco, the chances of getting in an accident with an uninsured driver are even higher. More cars on the road equal a greater likelihood that you will be involved in an accident. If you are caught driving without insurance, don’t expect a slap on the wrist. Penalties for driving uninsured are steep. If the accident is your fault, your expenses will skyrocket. You will have to comply with California’s financial responsibility laws including having to pay for any injuries or damages from the accident out of your own pocket. Most Americans do not have the thousands of dollars available to cover such expenses. Driving without auto insurance in San Francisco means that you put yourself and your family at risk for potential financial ruin. In addition to the financial penalties for driving without insurance, you could also lose your license and your car. If you are a repeat offender, you could even be facing jail time. Driving uninsured could result in impoundment of the vehicle and suspension of your driver's license. Keep in mind that if the vehicle is impounded, you will have to pay for all storage and towing expenses in addition to any other fees that have been incurred. These penalties and expenses, including the loss of your car and your license could easily triple or quadruple what it would have cost you to pay for a year of auto insurance. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the average American has a 30 percent chance of being involved in a serious automobile accident. Is this a chance you want to take without coverage for medical bills or your transportation? The consequences of driving uninsured are simply not worth the risk to you, your family, or other drivers on the road. Fortunately, there are many sources for cheap auto insurance that can lower your costs and keep you protected. There is simply no excuse for driving without San Francisco auto insurance. Auto Insurance San Francisco - Get an INSTANT free quote. CHEAP Insurance offers San Francisco auto insurance, including personal auto, commercial, trailer, cycle, watercraft, home, and renter policies. With access to hundreds of Insurance Companies, we can find the right insurance to fit your budget. Make your insurance purchase online at over the phone at 415.222.6969 (or toll-free 800.486.1866), or visit us at 8928 Volunteer Lane, Suite 210, Sacramento, CA.
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