Have you ever wondered what can make your auto insurance to go up? Occasionally we all do stupid things which could make our lives difficult and ended up costing a lot of money. When it comes to auto insurance, a single blunder can damage a spotless driving history and put us in the high risk driver category. 1. Causing a car accident Well, not really a huge surprise. Generally, should you cause an accident you will have to pay additional insurance charges. For the first accident the amount may be anything between 10%-35% of the value of your insurance plan. Yet,if you are at fault in a second accident, the surcharges may possibly go up to 150%. Its usually a great idea to learn what the surcharge schedule of your insurer is beforehand. Having an additional driver on your insurance plan, that has a terrible driving history, may possibly raise your monthly premiums considerably. 2. Getting convicted for a driving offence As already point out, your driving history is important. Beginning from speeding tickets, all the way up to Dui - the effect on your auto insurance could only be negative. What the majority of motorists do not understand is that its a punishable offence to drive without insurance. In many states in America, if you're caught driving without having insurance or Dui, you will be instructed to show a prove of financial responsibility for a period of time, generally two to three years. Its known as SR22 Insurance. What this means is that your or your insurer must submit a SR22 Form to the local authorities, in any other case your license will not be reinstated. 3. Buy a vehicle with a terrible claim record. It goes without saying, the type of vehicle you have plays an important role when auto insurance rates are calculated. Perhaps the most common mistake is to think that claim record is only associated with an individual. The truth is that today, insurance companies have a claim record for every model and make. Its common sense to thinking that sports cars have worse claim record than SUVs for instance. Having said that, you should be aware that Hummers, Audi A4 and Mercedes AMG are at the top of the "bad cars" chart. As a rule, before buying new or used vehicle, always check what the insurance premiums will be first. Often the quotes you receive may be surprising. In summary, if you're serious about finding affordable auto insurance - be careful on the road, pay attention to the car you drive, shop around and don't drive without insurance. The very last thing you need is having to search for SR22 insurance quotes.
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