Most areas of the country are unbearable without an air conditioner in the summer. The sanctuary it provides from the heat and humidity is refreshing. But when the air conditioner goes out, it can feel unbearable. Most problems can be attributed to four main areas and educated homeowners can minimize calls for air conditioning repair in Decatur and save some money. Refrigerant Many homeowners automatically assume if the air is not cold, the air conditioner needs more refrigerant. Many times this is an incorrect assumption. Inside sealed tubes, the refrigerant travels at a higher pressure, making it easier to transfer heat. There are not a lot of places for the refrigerant to leak out and reduce the pressure. The compressor is the most likely spot, with seals that can wear out. Or, the tubes can be punctured with debris during a storm or games played to close to the unit. Maintenance Most often, lack of maintenance on the system will lead to less than peak performance. This is usually indicated by coils that have ice forming on them. Ice is usually caused by not enough air flowing to evaporate the condensation that forms on the coils. That is why replacing the air filters on a regular basis is so important. Dirty filters let less and less air through until they are so dirty no air gets to the coils. Or the fan is wearing out and not able to draw enough air through the vents and ducts. Dirty coils, though, will make it harder for the refrigerant to cool the air properly because the dirt insulates the tubes. Regular cleaning of the system will prevent the buildup of dust and dirt on the coils. Thermostat The thermostat is the controller of the entire system and if it is not acting right everything can be messed up. Essentially, the thermostat sends an electrical signal to the switch to turn the unit on. If the wiring is fraying or the connections are loose or dirty, the proper signal is not sent and received. The thermostat may not be reading the correct temperature in the house so it does not turn on to maintain a comfortable temperature. Most service technicians will start at the thermostat for two reasons; it is the most accessible and is usually the cause of the problems. Fans The system will have two different fans, one inside the house and one outside. Problems with the fans are very common because this is where most of the moving parts in the air conditioner system sit. Everyday use can contribute to the wear on the fans, shortening the lives of each. The interior fan blows the air across the cooling unit and off into the rooms. If it is not working properly, no cool air makes it to the rooms and the condensation doesn't dissipate. This can be another cause for the coils freezing. The exterior fan is responsible for dissipating the warm air out into the environment. If it is not working, the refrigerant will not be able to complete its job as effectively Any knowledge is always good, but it doesn't always have to come from a book or a teacher. Homeowners that do regular maintenance on their air conditioner can spot a simple problem early and set up air conditioning repair in Decatur before it gets bigger.
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