When you hire relocation services, you have to be aware of the additional charges that will be slapped on you apart from the initial estimate. If you are not careful, you will see your bills rise even without understanding why. Under ideal conditions, you will only pay what is described in your binding estimate but each of the transaction is very fluid so the whole cost will depend on the circumstances surrounding your move. If you ask the company to pack and unpack your items or ask its workers to disassemble and reassemble your furniture to prepare for transport, you will have to pay the accessorial charges. Appliance service charges Sometimes when there are major appliances to be moved just like refrigerators or washers, these may incur additional costs. The services include disconnecting and maybe disassembling the appliances and then reassembling them in your new home. Make sure also that there is appropriate Removals Insurance covering not just your appliances but the whole shipment. Not all movers, however, are equipped to move appliances but you can ask them who to call if that happens. It would be to your advantage to deal only with one company and so your best bet is to find a mover with the facilities and skills to handle this. Auxiliary charges This refers to the extra costs incurred when the delivery is delayed for one reason or the other. For example, if the truck couldn’t park in your new home due to lack of space, either your shipment will be transferred to another truck or the workers will work harder as they have to manoeuvre quite a good distance from the vehicle to your house. You can avoid this by cutting the number of boxes to be loaded. That means the interstate and International relocation company will use a smaller truck with the flexibility to access smaller spaces. Anticipating the size of the truck will also save you a lot of trouble. Call your tenant or homeowners association and inform them about your scheduled move that day so they will clear the area of any other obstruction. Customs charges Speaking of international relocation service, the homeowner is obligated to pay customs duties before their items are cleared for delivery. Most moving companies typically include this in their spread but don’t forget to ask anyway just to be on the safe side. You might be surprised later on, when you see additional charges on top of the original estimate. Then you have to check with the country of destination on what papers and other requirements you need, along with the importation fees. But experienced relocation services should be able to provide you with all the information you need.
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