If you are a parent and have gone through the tough times of having a colicky baby, or you are currently dealing with this problem right now, then you know just how hard this time can be. The medical definition of Colic is that a baby cries for at least 3 hours or more, for at least three days a week, over a period of at least 3 weeks. It is quite possible though that it is worse, much worse, and that is not just hard for the poor inconsolable baby, it is stressful and upsetting for the parents too. Not being able to make things better for your baby goes against everything your parenting instincts are screaming at you. If your baby has clenched hands, flexed legs are tensing up their stomach muscles and are crying a pain filled cry you are likely looking for answers and colic treatments, Monmouth County or where you are. However just as traditional medicine has not direct answers about colic, why it happens in some more than others, not all of the methods and treatment options your pediatrician suggests will work. Faced with this, it might interest you to know that you can manage colic with chiropractic treatment. Some parents have had a lot of success taking their children for colic treatments Ocean County and elsewhere, to a pediatric chiropractor, who has specially trained in working with babies, including ones with colic. Colic can start in a baby as a young as 3 weeks old and can last for as long as six months. Between ten to twenty percent of babies are affected for a length of time and it has a huge impact on the family. Stress, added tiredness, problems with the bond between mother and child, trouble breastfeeding and it even adds to the risk of the mother suffering from postpartum depression. With a pediatric chiropractor making some very gentle and safe adjustments, colic treatments Monmouth County and beyond have had some promising success. In a study undertaken by a chiropractor group, infants with colic were split into two groups. One group had chiropractic treatment over a two week period and the other given pharmaceuticals. The group receiving chiropractic treatment showed a decrease in upset and pain by up to 67%. The group taking the medications only showed a drop of 38%. The theory chiropractors have is that during the process of being born, misalignment happens to the baby's spine and that can lead to digestive problems that cause colic. With gentle realignment, they can address that and help parents better manage it. If you are interested in chiropractic care as colic treatments Ocean County, talk to your child's doctor. They may have recommendations for you but at the least, it is always important to make sure their doctor and the pediatric chiropractor you visit both know the child's medical history and efforts being made to help them. This article is not intended for diagnostic purposes
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