Most people are aware that baking soda (bicarbonate of soda/sodium bicarbonate) has a multiple of uses such as that in cooking, but not so many know that it also has a number of health benefits. Baking soda was known for its medicinal purposes as far back in time as ancient Egypt. Naturally occurring sodium bicarbonate called natron was harvested from dry lake beds... Then, fast forward to 1846 in New York, it was put into commercial production for the first time. Baking soda as sodium bicarbonate is made naturally in the pancreas, used to achieve homeostatic balance in our bodies by raising the body's pH towards alkalinity to counter the effects of acidity. If the body goes towards acidity too much then this could result in ill health. As I have been saying in previous writing the best investment you can ever make is in your health. So for only a few dollars/pounds buying baking soda for its many healthy applications is a great investment! The benefits of taking baking soda include. 1. Keeping teeth clean Baking soda prevents plaque formation. Plaque formation is acidic and cannot form in the mouth if an alkaline environment is made by baking soda. 2. Can be used to prevent disease such as cancer As already explained it raises our body's pH towards the healthy alkaline state. Disease such as cancer cannot thrive in this state. Pioneers /practitioners using this as a way of treating cancer caused by a fungus include Doctor Tullio Simoncini. There have been many case testimonials given to verify this as an effective treatment. 3. Treating colds and flu It has been recommended to take 3-6 half-teaspoons a day of baking soda in glasses of water pending on the severity of the ailment. 4. As a bath detoxifier Run a hot bath and pour into it a mug of apple cider vinegar and add a half-mug of baking soda. Bathe in this till the water cools. During this time the skin's pores open and exude the toxins. Lactic acid will come out of your body... 5. a foot soak Soaking your feet can take care of those aches pains and remove toxins. 6. Lactic acid detoxifier Research has shown that those athletes who take baking soda to remove lactic acid before performance can reduce their times in running or swimming.., by as much as 10%. In other words baking soda reduces lactic acid build up that would have slowed down performance. 7. Preventing acid reflux A teaspoon of baking soda in some water can be taken and used as an antacid. 8. Hangover prevention Not that I'm one to advocate excessive drinking but in tandem with water baking soda can be used for hangover prevention or cure. The water takes care of the dehydration (take lots of it straight after drinking) while baking soda oozes out the toxins. 9. Kidney health ...Another example where baking soda acts as a detoxifier. If kidney disease, infection or stone is present then consult a practitioner for the appropriate dosage. -It must be remembered that this is for educational purposes only. A professional qualified health practitioner should be consulted when appropriate. So, come join me in the baking soda bandwagon for great health! If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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