Over the years the term 'conspiracy theory' is slowly losing its association with all those negative connotations; factually incorrect assertions coming from paranoid, wacko people... etc as we slowly realize that we're being played: Contrary to what the paid off corporate sponsored media want you to believe it is indeed more a case of 'conspiracy fact.' Here are my 5 health conspiracies. 1. Disinformation The mass media disinformation out there can be seen for what it is; transparent, money predicated lies. There could never be a better example of this in health. Certain individuals in high places with the medical/pharmaceutical establishment would rather see you suffering long-term because there's no money to be made when you get healed... Remember the saying "A patient cured is a customer lost" and you know how much those greed-driven corporations hate losing customers... So through various media sources they have to cover up the fact that for years there have been many cheap, natural health based alternative cures. One of the dirty tricks used to do this is to give out disinformation running ridicule on the natural health based cures and its innovators/pioneers. Don't be fooled by this. To which, I suggest that you stay on the enquiry and find out for yourself the truth. 2. Heart health and cod liver oil I've written extensively on heart heath so rather than repeat myself I'll take the case of the cod liver oil situation as an example of a conspiracy. Even though it's know to greatly help heart patients Doctors in the USA cannot recommend natural healing cod liver oil. Some doctors do it, but if they were caught handing out information confirming its efficacy they could be struck of the list. 3. The Rife cancer machine Royal Rife invented a cancer machine that killed cancer causing microbes by difference of electromagnetic frequency. In the 1930's a clinic was set up where the Rife's cancer machine cured 16 terminal cancer cases. In spite of a number of medical doctors giving their testimony to the effectiveness, the machine was barred by the San Diego Medical Society with threats of job loss if doctors continued using it. Rife courageously continued using the machine but into the 1950's with much trouble with the medical establishment who eventually had his machine and equipment laid to rest... Don't be fooled by those invalidating the machines effectiveness all the evidence is available; it was cheap and undercut the medical establishment's business which is why it was stopped. 4. Sunlight Direct sunlight has some amazing cancer prevention properties: It gives the body doses of vitamin D3. A long-term study was conducted at the University of Crichton, Nebraska in North America. The three year study on some eleven hundred plus women revealed that those who received regular 10-15 minute daily doses of direct sunlight /vitamin D3 reduced the chances of getting cancer by a whopping great 68% on average! However, it could only be assumed that because of the medical establishment not able to make money on this, the findings were published in a low-key journal and virtually ignored. -Yet another case where money is more important than welfare concern. 5. Fluoridated Toothpaste One thing that's enough to make anyone suspicious about fluoridated toothpaste is the small print on its tubes that says in so many words "If more than a pea-sized amount is swallowed by a 5 year old or less than then seek medical advice." What about us adults?? Fluoride is a toxin. It gets compared with other poisons such as arsenic and lead. It was used in wartime Nazi concentrations camps to dumb down prisoners since it is known to lower intelligence. It causes ageing, calcifies the pineal gland... so why use it at all? If you liked reading this article then go to www.NewParadigm.ws for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is: http://www.newparadigm.ws/
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