In years to come we may be looking back on today's approach to cancer treatment and wonder why so many with the disease could be allowed to suffer unnecessarily when the solution has been staring us in the face: The key to cancer prevention/reversal can be found from studies on isolated indigenous peoples from different cultures all over the world. This has been documented over the last 80 odd years. Since the 1930's, a number of isolated indigenous people hidden away from 'civilization' got the spotlight of attention from Western world visitors because of their longevity, living to record-breaking ages. These isolated indigenous peoples include: The Huzas tribe living at the foothills of the Himalayas, the Abkhasian people part of the Circassian group living off the coast of the Black sea, the Eskimos such as those living around Greenland, and then there's the Azerbaijanis of Azerbaijan located along the borders of Eastern Europe and western Asian countries... Throughout the years a number of visitors to these geographically isolated places such as Sir Robert McCarrison, then chief medic to the King, returned to England from the Hunza valley and expressed his amazement over how old many of the indigenous people there had lived up to. Some had lived up to 150 years old, while it was nothing to see some still working at 100 doing strenuous activity, looking fit and well. There were no reports of cancer or any other life-threatening diseases. As a result of Doctor McCarrison's reports (there were other visitors reports), over the years, more and more researchers from different backgrounds; medicine, psychology, sociology and politics... ventured out to these isolated areas to study the indigenous peoples there. They made a number of significant points explaining why these indigenous peoples were so healthy, lived to ripe old ages and had no major life-threatening illnesses such as cancer. This can be summarised as follows. 1. Nutrition They had a healthy diet made up of fresh fruit and leafy green or root vegetables, pulse/ grains and glacial water rich in minerals. Unlike the Western diet far less meat was eaten while dairy food such as milk was raw and unpasteurized. 2. Toxicity-free environment. There were no pollutants typically found in the industrial western world... 3. They exercised regularly Through everyday demands they regularly performed arduous tasks along the challenging terrain, keeping them fit. 4. Attitude or outlook on life From the many visitors over the years the indigenous peoples were said to be very happy, having a good attitude or outlook on life... It had been concluded that the most significant finding was nutrition. This was considered to be the greatest contributor towards health and longevity. Many years after McCarrison's visits, and the visits of many others, a vast amount of research had been done on the isolated indigenous peoples of the world. More support was able to be given to the 4 above findings, particularly on nutrition, confirming that these were the factors that contributed to good health and longevity. Dr Ernst Krebs and vitamin B-17 (Laetrile/Amygdalin) for cancer treatment Remember, there had been no cases of cancer or any other major life-threatening illness. If good food kept cancer away, could it also be used as a cure? Biochemist, Dr Ernst Krebs thought this was definitely the case: It had been observed that stone-based fruits such as apricot kernels, vitamin B17 rich, were a major food source eaten by the Huzas. From his research Dr Kerbs discovered that it was vitamin B17 that had an involvement in destroying the cancer by interfering with the cell's metabolic pathway. He extracted vitamin B17 out of the food sources to make a refined version of B17 called laetrile (also known as amygdalin). His claim has been backed up through other research, confirming that vitamin B17 in the form of laetrile can be used as an effective cancer cure therapy. These studies on isolated indigenous peoples and their findings have been greatly underestimated, sometimes even ignored. To this end I encourage the reader to follow up on this. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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