Health award winning research scientist from his peer-reviewed work, Doctor Gerald Pollack, Professor of Bioengineering at Washington University, Seattle, Washington, says that besides the three solid, liquid and gas states, there also exists a 'fourth phase' of water. Unlike the usual states having the formula H2O2, this fourth phase exists as the negatively charged H3O2, and has a higher density, refractive index, pH, and viscosity than normal water and has been said to have multiple health benefits. Unlike normal H2O2 the negatively charged fourth phase of water stratifies itself around charged surfaces like that for example on proteins inside the body's cells. Besides existing inside most of our body's cells Dr Pollack states that it is also in our extracellular fluid. This H3O2 stratified layer is called the exclusion zone (EZ) and is therefore termed EZ water (so called EZ because it does not allow other solvents or solutes into the stratified layer). Because of its negative charge EZ water has the ability to hold energy rather like that of a battery. This energy can be later released and used for metabolic function. Our bodies have very high water content. According to Doctor Pollack it is the above properties and specifically the fact that our bodies contain EZ water having much involvement in vital functioning can give rise to some amazing health benefits when in abundance. EZ water is made from various light sources. These light sources; ultraviolet, infrared, visible or invisible... are all around us, allowing EZ water to build up its stratified layers. The stratified layers can build up on hydrophilic (water attracting) surfaces in the presence of infrared light. Excellent sources of EZ water include water from melted ice: Dr Pollack says that EZ water is formed from the melt-down of ice before it then further cools down to the next phase, normal water. Hence the reason why it has been said that glacial water is good for your health. Other excellent sources for your body's EZ water build up include infrared saunas, getting good doses of sunlight or laser therapy. It was found that EZ water absorbs light at the 270 nanometre wavelength where it builds up its stratified layers most effectively. It suggests that these circumstances could give rise to the explanation why light, such as, for example, sunlight, has so many health benefits. Dr Pollack also found that EZ water allows flow of liquid through capillaries more efficiently, which suggests that EZ water improves blood flow and cardiovascular function. EZ water is said to increase during laser therapy which in turn increases mitochondrial activity, the body's energy releasing sub-cellular component, which overall in effect promotes and improves wound healing. That EZ water is alkaline and negatively charged gives rise to further good health. As I have written in previous articles the benefits of an alkalized body include: Feeling more energetic, alert, or on a legal natural high! Improved digestion, protection against: disease, arthritis and osteoporosis... I hope I have inspired to look up EZ water and check out the said amazing health implications for yourself. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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