People especially the teenagers often get addicted to drugs and alcohol either out of curiosity or because their friends insist them to take cocaine, heroin or for that matter alcohol. Any kind of addiction is life threatening and hence such a problem need to be addressed on time or else your dear one's life may be at risk. A number of addiction recovery programs have been started by various 'brick and mortar' rehab centers. Many online communities have also come up to offer instant help to people suffering from some kind of addiction. In these online communities, you will find various sections including forums, news and information sharing center, self-help recovery programs, and so on. These virtual recovery forums and communities are developed in order to allow shy people to freely discuss and share their personal experiences with the other forum members. Addiction to Drugs Out of frustration towards life and stress, many people tend to get addicted to marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. Often people also start taking excessive doses of medicines (painkillers, steroids, sterilizers, etc.) that were once prescribed to them by a doctor. Intake of drugs in great amount leads to both short-term and long-term consequences such as sleeplessness, dizziness, anxiety to take more of drugs every day, change in normal behavior, memory loss, and more. The long-term effects of drugs are increased heart rate or respiration, destroying of the nasal wall, increased blood pressure, stomach problems, paranoia and cancer. Addiction to Alcohol Drinking occasionally doesn't cause much harm but the real problem starts when you regularly start drinking and cannot think of a day without it. Alcohol destroys the liver, causes headache, and leads to abusive behavior in human beings. Addicted people don't feel like mixing with family or friends, creates a ruckus when at home, and easily gets irritated with people. Addiction to Social Networking Well, this is the latest kind of addiction occurring to generation Y. Especially the teenagers are getting increasingly attracted to various social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ that allows them to uninterruptedly chat, make friends, and share photos and videos with each other over the internet. While spending some amount of time on these social networking web platforms is fun, a rising number of boys and girls seem to neglect their studies and regular household tasks at the cost of chatting with their friends for endless hours. Parents are getting increasingly worried because of their children's addiction social networking. Many well-known rehab centers have developed websites to let the families of the addicted individuals find a platform to get the much needed help and support to change their lives for the better. They have started the Addiction Recovery programs to allow the families as well as the addicted people learn about the side-effects of taking drugs and social networking. Individuals don't need to disclose their personal identity such as name, gender or address to discuss about their specific problem with others. After becoming a member, you can join the discussion forum to ask questions, get instant answers from the forum members, and read the latest news related to addiction. Author Bio: Nicholas Grimaldi is a professional counselor who educates people regarding Addiction Recovery programs and rehab centers. He also helps by building online communities that encourage learning and sharing problems related to Addiction Social Networking as a method to fight addiction.
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