Many people that regularly skip sleeping for the recommended amount of time each night or regularly experience insomnia will find that a lack of sleep can have many negative effects on the body. Getting enough sleep rejuvenates the body and repairs the damage that is caused to the body during the normal actions of the day. When the body does not get enough rest, the damage can not be repaired and continues to get worse as each day passes. It is important for people to understand how lack of sleep affects the body so that they will be more conscious about the effects of not getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. A lack of sleep can cause injury, loss of brain function, and even death if continued for a long period of time. The effects of a consistent lack of sleep can be very dangerous to the person and others around them. The longer the person goes without sleep, the worse the effects will be until the person collapses and becomes hospitalized or has a fatal accident. A lack of sleep affects different parts of the body in different ways and in different degrees depending on how long the person has gone without sleep. The biggest effects of lack of sleep on the body can be seen in the brain of the person. Going without sleep for a 24 hour period can result in the person exhibiting behavior resembling drunkenness, with studies showing that people in this condition are more dangerous when driving than people that are legally drunk. People that are suffering from a lack of sleep can experience memory lapses, decreased concentration, and hallucinations. As this continues, the person can experience depersonalization where they do not believe that they or any of the people around them are real, almost as if they feel they are living in a dream. Psychotic episodes may also appear in the person which may or may not disappear after the person has returned to a normal sleeping schedule. A lack of sleep does not only affect the brain, but affects many other areas of the body as well. People that have gone without the proper amount of sleep for a long amount of time can experience muscle fatigue, a weakened immune system, blurred vision, headaches, and nausea. Other effects such as muscle tremors, color blindness, hyperactivity, and weight loss or gain may also occur. Lack of sleep has been linked to many different health conditions including hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and many different mental conditions. In most cases, returning to normal sleep each night can stop these conditions but in some cases, the damage is irreversible. There are many different ways that a lack of sleep can affect the body and each of the consequences of not getting enough rest at night can be dangerous to the person’s health and well being. Do you know enough about the effect of insomnia on your body? Insomnia can be treated and you can learn how now by clicking on over to
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