Ovarian cancer is a kind of cancer that occurs in the ovaries (Gonad). Basically females have two ovaries on both sides of the uterus. Both the ovaries are about the size of an almond and develop eggs (ova) and the hormone progesterone, testosterone and estrogen. Usually ovarian cancer goes undiagnosed until it has reached within the abdomen and pelvis. Ovarian cancer is hard to treat & is often serious, at this late point. However, still there are ovarian cancer treatments which somehow benefit the cancer victim. But before getting into the treatment section, it would be better to understand the symptoms & the causes behind its occurrence. Ovarian cancer symptoms: - Pressure, swelling or bloating of the abdomen Pain & discomfort in Pelvic. Continuous gas, indigestion or nausea Changes in gut habits, like constipation Changes in urinary bladder habits like frequent urinating Loss of hunger Augmented abdominal girth or dresses becoming tighter around your waistline A lack of energy Pain in Lower back The cause of ovarian cancer is ambiguous. Normally, cancer starts when salubrious cells get a chromosomal mutation due to which normal cells becomes abnormal cells. Healthy cells spring up & procreate at a set pace, finally dying at a set time. On the other side cancer cells grow & increase in more faster speed and they never die. As these cells cumulate, they form a tumor. Cancer cells encroach adjoining tissues & can break away from a preliminary tumor to metastasize in the body Ovarian cancer treatment depends upon each woman’s condition, however, in general the following treatments are undertaken: Surgery is the key treatment for majority women infected with ovarian cancer. Women having ovarian cancer of a very early stage need be treated with surgery only. Chemotherapy is generally followed by surgery to cut down the chances of relapsing of ovarian cancer. In some cases to circumvent the tumor and for its easier removal chemotherapy is applied ahead of surgical operation. But if in any case the condition of the patient is fragile and not able to undergo the operation; and the cancer is at a very advanced stage chemotherapy may be used as the foremost treatment. Radiotherapy is a treatment which is at times utilized in case the cancer relapses or it doesn’t accept usual remedial measures. Though cancer cannot be rooted out still healing can cringe the cancer letting the person feels ameliorated.
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