Cigar aficionados claim that hand-rolled cigars bear a smoother quality because the workers can personally spot the bumps and flaws in the cigars, as opposed to the ones rolled by machines. Hand-rolled cigars are the best choice for beginners and connoisseurs. They consist of pure 100% tobacco. A hand-made cigar has filler, binder to hold the filler, and outer wrapper that are all completely made of pure tobacco. Cuban cigars belong to the hand-rolled and smooth variety. The best Cuban cigars are known the world over as excellent handmade cigars that are much coveted among connoisseurs. The well-deserved reputation is rightfully legendary. Cigars have remained to be one of Cuba’s leading exports. Skilled Process for Authentic Cigars What makes cigars from Cuba the best cigars the world over is the fact that the “toreadors” or Cuban cigar rollers are known to be the most skilled rollers in the world. These craftsmen are esteemed in Cuban society and culture. They have been featured worldwide showcasing their art and craft of cigar hand-rolling. Authentic handmade cigars from Cuba come in labelled boxes marked with Hecho en Cuba (made in Cuba). The handmade cigars that have been bunched by a machine are precisely marked as Hecho a mano. Cigars that have been completely handmade are further marked as Totalmente a mano. Cigar makers in Cuba cover the entire process of production, quality control, marketing and promotion, and distribution. Highest Standards of Production The premium cigar brands use different tobacco varieties for the wrapper, filler, and binder. The highest quality uses only long leaves. These are categorized as long filler cigars. The most attractive leaves are used as wrapper. The most basic characteristic of quality cigars is its handmade superiority. The ultimate classification requires nothing less than this standard. A seasoned cigar roller can produce hundreds of excellent uniformly-sized cigars every single day. Their creations are almost identical. These cigar rollers manage to keep the tobacco moist, especially the wrapper. With utmost accuracy, these craftsmen work very quickly. The finished products are stored in wooden forms to dry. The uncapped ends are then cut or trimmed to a uniform size. If stored in the right temperature and relative humidity, the cigars can now be aged for decades. Premium Aged Cigars Aged cigars are a premium among avid cigar users in the USA. Aficionados attest that cigars are best not to be consumed within a year of its production. Generally, freshly produced cigars should be stabilized for approximately a month before using because all cigars benefit from the process of aging which improves them further for premium grade. Cubans set the benchmark aging time as five years. As a general rule, cigars that are kept in air-tight storage can be allowed to age longer. If they are stored in less than this recommended condition, cigars can be smoked sooner. Cuban cigars in the USA are known to be authentic and of premium grade. They are appraised in terms of flavor or the intensity of aroma or taste, body or the level of lightness and heaviness in the mouth while being smoked, and the strength of the nicotine kick. Cigars of Habanos offer the verity of Cuban Cigars online best Cuban Cigars and Havana Cigars with quality on very affordable price. Get more advantage and more discount on buying online from Cigars of
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