The Romeo Y Julieta is a Cuban cigar brand founded in 1875. It took its name from the famous tragedy written by William Shakespeare. It is regarded as one amongst the most famous types of Cuban cigars in the market today. High Quality Cigars from an Award Winning Brand The Romeo Y Julieta Cuban cigars take pride in its high quality taste and aroma, proven and guaranteed by the awards it has won during its early years of production. It was awarded gold medals in different tasting expositions held between 1885 to the year 1900, which are displayed in the brand’s logo. The brand is also noted for producing more than forty shapes and sizes. Some of their vitolas are even considered as the best in their size, making Romeo Y Julieta one of the most popular trade names in the industry. The Romeo Y Julieta Churchill One of the most popular varieties of the Romeo Y Julieta brand is the Churchill. It is named after the famous politician Winston Churchill, as it was preferred and smoked by the man himself. These Cuban cigars were also initially produced exclusively just for Churchill during the World War II, giving the cigar some notoriety and credentials. It is well noted for its creamy smoke, with a powerful yet smooth flavor, making it one of a kind. The Romeo Y Julieta Churchill is armed with a mix of great flavors like tropical fruit, wood, nuts, herbs, coffee, vanilla, and flowers. It is also considered as the best brand for Churchill by many experts and enthusiasts. However, it may not be for beginners, as it can come off as strong. An experienced smoker will definitely find great pleasure with it, though. Buying Romeo Y Julieta Churchill One of the most important things when buying Cuban cigars is to know that you’re getting it from the right source. The Cigars of Habanos is one of the best reputed stores for Havanas online, making it a great place to purchase your cigars from. The best thing, however, about Cigars of Habanos is that they also sell Romeo Y Julieta Churchill cigars at discounted rates. It is no secret t that a Churchill is a great investment for an enjoyable smoke, so getting more for less will prove to be very ideal for many. So if you’re looking for Romeo Y Julieta Cuban cigars, you can always check out this website and see how much of a bargain you can get here. A cigars of Habanos is an online Cuban cigars store, Buy online Cuban cigars and Romeo Y Julieta Churchill cigars on very affordable price. For more information visit at
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