If you're like most of the people out there, you have tried a few different diets and had a different degree of successes. You probably lost some weight, got to a certain point and then, regardless of what you tried, couldn't lose any more. This plateau that many people hit, is usual with virtually all diet plans. There exists a new way of avoiding this plateau by trying to trick your metabolism. You've probably already dealt with the plateau problem which will probably have caused you a lot of disappointment and ended more than one weight loss plan. This is a strange event, which happens to successful dieters around the third or fourth week of their diet. Up until that moment, the weight drops off and then it just stops and nothing you do can get your body to lose more weight. This is one way your body does respond to all of the changes you have been forcing upon it. Your body decelerates your metabolic rate when you get to this point since it wants to protect you from accidental starvation. This, then, stops you from being able to lose more fat. This is what causes people to feel they're not capable of losing the weight they want, and they give up trying. At this stage they go back to eating, and putting on their weight back plus even more than they lost usually. How you can prevent this is to pick a diet in which you just shift your calories. What you are trying to do is eat a different number of calories every day, which is designed to deceive your metabolism. If this strategy works on your body, then it doesn't get into the position where it is attempting to protect itself. This can keep your body's metabolism rolling at its present rate as opposed to going slower and you'll continue losing pounds. When you get to this point, you will have passed your plateau and your diet will continue working the way it was designed to work. It is pretty simple to integrate this type of plan into your day to day life. One of the most popular calorie cycling methods is the 14 day method. This method goes for 14 days, where you do the regular plan for 11 days, and then 3 days where you try to eat what you want. Switch your food throughout each day to fool your metabolism and then eat whatever you desire to keep yourself from getting to the plateau. This will also help you from being frustrated with a strict diet regimen. Just keep on repeating the fourteen days until you've attained your weight loss targets. Another popular program is the 2 day plan in which you eat regularly one day and the following day reduce your calories by between twenty and thirty five percent. You could keep on doing this every two days for as long as needed to get your weight off. This program is perfect for helping you get past your plateau and lose the weight you want to lose so you should definitely try it out. Leila Novembre is a known writer, One of the major achievement of her success is through blogging. Blogs on different topics like health, nutrition, supplements etc . Checkout her article on Life wave training and World Ventures Review
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