Stretch marks are bothersome and generally all women want to get rid of them after pregnancy. These marks are like reddish-purplish lines which develop in the abdomen area, along the thighs, buttocks and breasts. These marks develop in pregnancy when the women gains weight and womb enlarges to make room for fetus. When the body skin stretches due to pregnancy or due to obesity, the connective tissue cells break and waves like line develop on skin. In the beginning they look red or pink and are more visible. Stretch marks stay forever when they develop, however, they may diminish or minimize with time. But fashion conscious women want to get rid of them as soon as possible. Stretch marks can be removed through various home remedies, over-the-counter lotions or creams or you can get rid of them permanently by surgically removing them from a specialist. Dermabrasion, laser surgery, etc are such techniques by which you can get freedom from embarrassing stretch marks. There are various stretch mark removal creams available in the market and all these products are designed to lessen your scars and help to restore the elasticity of your skin. But all these market products do not give the desired results and may cause skin reaction if your skin is sensitive. Hence more and more people are restoring to home remedies to remove stretch marks because although these remedies take long to work are more effective in the long run. Some effective stretch mark removal methods:Keep hydrated and take healthy diet. Drink ample amount of water as it helps to keep your skin supple, healthy, and elastic.Nutritional deficiency can also lead to stretch marks, hence take diet that is promotes healthy skin and cuts down fat like nuts, milk, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fish, eggs and foods that are rich in Vitamin A, C, E, and D.Massage scars with natural olive oil, lavender, and primrose oil to lessen your scars. This will also provide nourishment to your skin and also prevent further scarring. There are various other stretch mark removal home remedies available freely on various websites. You can choose that are best for your skin. For more information and tips on this, please visit StretchMarks24 tips on stretch mark removal.
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