HIV home test as a means of finding out one's HIV status must feel as refreshing as it must have felt for the woman who tried out the first home pregnancy test. Creating a quicker, more discreet health service for all is the major breakthrough of science so far. More and more sexual health options are arising day by day, especially with the emergence of the STI clinic UK which has proven indispensable for all sexual health concerns. STI (sexually transmitted infections) clinics are also known as sexual health clinics, and are meant to act as a service that's close by, friendly and reliable for people seeking help with tasking tests and getting advice/treatment for sexual health problems. There is the GUM or genitourinary medicine clinic which is very useful for anything sexual health, and your GP will actually recommend these clinics for such matters. Some hospitals have such special clinics, with others being set up here and there particularly for young people. A HIV home test is great to have, but you'll always want access to a proper sexual health provider for those other pressing problems. A typical STI clinic UK would require samples of urine or blood, vaginal swabs or a genital examination for them to be able to carry out what ever tests they think you need. It is important that you feel as comfortable as possible with the nurses and health providers, because they are professionals and are used to such things. You'd probably prefer that all tests could be easily available for private use, the way the HIV home test is, and yet, there's a certain reassurance is talking face to face with someone qualified and interested in helping you with your health problems, no matter how delicate. In a way, taking test at an STI clinic UK is just as easy and simple as the HIV home test, because most results get back the same day - and then in most cases, treatment can follow immediately after. The most important thing to remember is that once you start taking tests and subsequently receiving treatments, unprotected sex with your partner has to be avoided. A condom should be used at all times, and your partner should also get tested, just in case. It must be a relief to many, to have such a variety of options for STI, STD and HIV testing today. There's the do-it-yourself HIV home kit, and then there's the more extensive and professional STI clinic UK which can provide everything from contraceptives to anti-viral drugs. It's understandable that when you are faced with concern about your sexual health, you'd want answers and results promptly, which is why the HIV home kit is so useful. However, at a proper STI clinic UK there's a health package in place to ensure that there are no errors or miscalculations. You may get more accurate results at the STI clinic UK so they are all the more reliable than an HIV home kit. You'll want to have enough information in the palm of your hand, about such things as an STI clinic UK or the HIV home test, and you'll find plenty here that will be of help.
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