Are you in need of a good discount dental plan for yourself or your entire family? There are actually not that many US discount dental health plans available. Not as many as there are insurance companies anyway, however the coverage area of some of the major plans makes up for the lack of specific companies. Also, many dental insurance companies, having seen the success that discount dental providers are having, have also begun offer their own versions of discount plan, as well as their traditional insurance plan. It's hard to fight a good thing and some of these companies have had no choice but to jump on the "bandwagon" or get left under the wheels. In case you aren't familiare with discount dental plans and how they work, let me explain them for you briefly. You see, discount plans are not insurance at all. They simply provide a fantastic savings off of the regular price of dental care in exchange for doing two simple things. #1. Visiting a participating dentist or dental soecialist within the network of the plan that has agreed to the discounted fee. #2. Pay the dentist or specialist in full at the time of your visit. These dentists are the same professionals that you see all the time. They're the guys and gals with offices in your neighborhood and they may have gone to the same college. As a matter of fact, if you already have a dentist that you see on a regular basis there's a good chance that she or he is already a registered discount plan provider and you're just not aware of it. My point is that these professionals could be charging full price like everyone else, but they've chosen to give substantial discounts (as high as 60%) for being paid in full at the time of the visit. Look at it this way. Dental insurance does NOT cover pre-existing conditions. That means that if you get a sudden toothache, have no insurance and go to buy some, thinking that you'll get your visit to the dentist taken care of, you're in for a big surprise because you'll be denied your claim and have to pay 100% of the cost yourself. Do you see now why this is such a great deal? All you need to do to get started is: #1. Simply find a participating dentist in your area. #2. Pay the low cost of becoming a member for a year #3. Wait 1-3 days and make an appointment with a dentist #4. Get a thorough check-up to determine what you need to have done #5. Tell the dentist what you can afford to pay that day, whether it's some or all of the work #6. Pay them in full No claim forms, no deductibles, no extra co-pays, no denials of coverage, very little paperwork and zero hassles. My advice is to find one of the US discount dental health plans available and join it right away so you can lock yourself and your family in at that low cost before these companies come to their senses and begin charging what they're worth. Wait A Minute! Discover The Truth About Discount Dental Plans And Get Your Free 10% Off Coupon Right Now At or by clicking on US Discount Dental Health Plans. Joe Stewart is a former Life & Health Agent that now works independently and provides expert information to others.
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