electronic medical records, or EMR, is a technology developed to improve healthcare services and to eliminate many medical errors caused by using paper-based records. Here are some documented advantages and benefits of using an EMR system: Advantages for Healthcare Institutions EMR systems were developed for the improvement of medical practices by making it easier, faster, and more convenient for healthcare providers and professionals to store, retrieve, and modify a medical record, which usually takes time when using paper-based records. But other than for this benefit, another reason why EMR systems were developed as also to cut-cost on using paper-based records. Paper-based records, according to medical experts, are usually stored for 7 years. Because of this, larger healthcare institutions usually require larger storage spaces to store all their medical records. And sometimes, these institutions would rent or add additional storage spaces to accommodate their growing medical records, which made the process even more expensive compared to the use of EMR and to the pediatric emr. . Electronic Medical Records, on the other hand, can be stored in a small digital storage space, usually a hard disk drive, which can be stored easily and conveniently within the institution’s premises, and that records from it can be retrieved from a terminal, such as a computer or even a hand-held device made specifically for use in EMR. Another advantage of using EMR is that it made it easier for different healthcare institutions to deliver medical records from one institution to the other, in which the process usually requires hiring a courier service when using paper-based records, and that it usually takes more time whereas sending it through a network, such as an Internet, is much faster and easier. Advantages for Healthcare Providers As for healthcare providers and professionals, the use of EMR have significantly improved their healthcare and medical practices, particularly now that it has completely eliminated a number of medical errors caused by using paper-based records. Handwritten paper medical records can be associated with poor legibility, which can contribute to medical errors. Electronic records help with the standardization of forms, terminology and abbreviations, and data input. Digitization of forms facilitates the collection of data for epidemiology and clinical studies. In addition to that, many of today’s EMR systems can also provide healthcare workers with decision support. This is because of a theory in which fast access to medical literature and current best practices in medicine enables proliferation of ongoing improvements in healthcare efficacy.
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