Vaginal yeast is always around, although normally it's left to a healthy level by the body's own defense mechanisms. It's when the internal atmosphere of the vagina changes that infections occur. There are a number of things that can add to a difference in the vaginal surroundings. Two of the best known causes of this are high levels of sexual activity and serious diseases, but these are just two among many, including common chemicals and even the way you wear your clothes and the fabrics you have on. Tight underwear and pants and synthetic fabrics trap heat and moisture in and around the vagina, offering an ideal environment for yeast to grow. If your aim is to avoid infection, wear cotton underwear and loose clothing that lets air to circulate and moisture to escape. Many common chemicals that are found in products such as douches, deodorants and detergents also can be responsible for recurring yeast infections. It's best to wash your underwear in a mild, undeodorized soap and be sure to rinse them out properly. Anti-bacterial soaps applied to the outside of the vagina and douching both kill healthy bacteria that normally feed on the yeast, thus preventing it from spreading. While these environmental and chemical factors are paramount to keep in mind, they aren't the principal causes of recurring yeast infections. The overuse of antibiotics is a major reason why an infection occurs as the antibiotics kill healthy as well as unhealthy bacteria. Don't make the common mistake of turning to antibiotics everytime you feel a sniffle approaching - save them for emergencies. Pregnancy and birth control pills are also factors in recurring yeast infections. These both lead to hormonal changes within the body and these changes disrupt the floral balance of the vagina. A poor immune system is yet another main cause of recurring yeast infections. A host of major diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Lyme disease often lead to the condition, but even high levels of stress can be a contributing factor. Yeast infections like these often appear in the mouth or genital areas of both men and women. Doctors stress that yeast infection is not an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease), but that it can be passed on via a sexual partner. Men often have an infection but don't know it and unknowingly give it to their partner. Among the host of other precautions why wearing condoms is recommended, this is another one. Diet contributes to recurring yeast infections both in positive and negative ways. Sweet foods, including most fruits and foods containing refined sugar are foods for yeast. Raw vegetables and lightly steamed vegetables fight the yeast by starving it of nutrients and also by absorbing it and processing it as waste. A single occurrence can be bad enough, but recurring yeast infections can become a nightmare. Take the proper precautions and you may never have to experience this unpleasant condition. If you just take note of the recommendations offered in this article, you may never have a yeast infection again or if you do, you'll know how to rid yourself of it promptly and safely. If you would like to learn more about recurrent yeast infections causes, you may wish to check out this great guide: leigh hunter review
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