This is for most people. If you are clinically obese I would definitely see a physician. If you need to lost ten, twenty, or fifty pounds; this is a great place to start. People think that diet pills are best for rapid weight loss, but they can also be dangerous. Here are the top fast ways to lose weight without using diet pills: 1. The colon cleanse (or cabbage diet) restricts the dieter to eating only a specially prepared cabbage stew each time the dieter finds herself hungry. This diet works best if adhered to for a maximum of two weeks. This diet is perhaps one of the hardest because an individual may give up too soon for the lack of being able to snack or choose what one wishes to eat. 2. Don't eat anything after 8 o"clock. Your body's metabolism will slow in preparation for bed. All those years of eating past 10 p.m. or 11 p.m must stop. 3. Lose your craving: You have to curb your craving for food: The way I did this was to substitute a piece of fruit for what ever I wanted. It was really something sweet I wanted, I ate an apple with salt substitute on it. Salt seems to curb the sweet cravings, but don't use the real thing, use the substitute, too much salt causes you to retain body fluids and this makes you weigh more. The main thing is make up your mind that you will lose weight. 4. Drink plenty of water. Most people don't drink the recommended 8 to 10 glasses of water per day. Your body needs that water for proper functioning, especially for flushing out toxins. And here's how you lose weight by drinking water: drink a full glass of water (or two) 15 to 20 minutes before each meal. You'll feel a bit full by the time you start eating and you'll eat less as a consequence. 5. Pilates is an exercise style that places a lot of focus on connecting the mind to the movements by concentrating heavily on the breathing the individual does throughout the movement. It may sound difficult, but for the individual who wants a low impact, fast, fat burning technique, Pilates is that choice. By connecting one's mind to his or her movements it creates a mind and body connection while elevating the heart rate; thus making for a better all-around workout. 6. Eliminate all fried foods and dessert. This includes fried chicken, french fries, cakes, cookies, and anything that is dipped into frying oil or found on a dessert menu. 7. Don't eat too much of anything. Make your plate and don't eat more than the plate full that you put in front of you. You can eat almost anything you want just don't eat too much of anything. This is hard but after doing it for a little while it gets easier. You just can't eat as much as you did before. Take your lunch to work and only eat what you bring. You can fix it the night before so it will not be a time consuming thing in the mornings, after all it will be cold before you eat it and add a piece of fruit. 8. Eat multiple small meals. Three meals a day isn't enough to lose weight. You need to eat four or five smaller meals throughout the day, starting with a nutritious, protein-filled breakfast. This keeps your metabolism in high gear and burning fat all day long. Eating three or (even worse) two meals a day puts your body into a feast-famine cycle that causes it to store more fat. Author is an online researcher on natural weight loss. Nutritionist. Click read more on weight loss tips, how to lose belly fat.
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