Mouth guards are prosthetics that are often prescribed by restorative dentists to protect the teeth from injuries or hurt. Teeth generally tend to get injured or affected during sports activities. Persons with uneven teeth patterns and weak teeth often use these guards too. There are basically three types of mouth guards that you can choose from. Following is a short introduction to the types and their benefits: 1. Stock mouth protectors: These are available in ready to wear conditions. These are cheaper than the other varieties of protectors. These guards can be used for protecting the teeth during sports activities. However, these guards are bulky, uncomfortable to wear, and often do not fit properly. Therefore, these types of guards are generally not recommended by orthodontists. 2. Boil and bite mouth protectors: These are custom designed to fit the dental sets perfectly. These are better mouth guards than the stock ones. These prosthetics are made with thermoplastic material. These are named so because, these mouth guards need to be soften by placing them in boiling water before they are fitted into the mouth. Thereby, these are fitted around the teeth by putting pressure with the fingers and the tongue. 3. Custom-fitted mouth protectors: Such mouth guards are crafted in a dental office or a professional laboratory. These are made to fit according to your dentist's instructions. Thus, in such a case, the restorative dentist takes the impression of your teeth. This impression is then sent to the laboratory to be used as a reference of the shape and size of your original teeth. Even though this type of mouth guard is a bit more expensive than the others, it provides you comfort, fit, and optimum protection. You can either opt for a protector for just your upper set of teeth (which is commonly done) or can also buy guards for both the sets. Visit the clinic of a reputed restorative dentist and ask for his/her suggestion on the type of teeth guard you should opt for. An experienced dentist will be able to guide you correctly on the type of protection to choose. Nevertheless, make sure that the guard you are choosing is comfortable to wear, resistant to tears, durable, and easy to clean. Furthermore, it should not restrict your breathing or speech while you wear these prosthetics. If you want to buy a mouth guard, Oswego, IL based dental clinic Young Dental Care is a place where you can buy the needful by consulting with reputed orthodontists and surgeons. Cosmetic Dentist Oswego, IL - Young Dental Care provides professional dental services in Aurora, IL & Oswego, IL. Some of their services include teeth whitening, periodontal & mouth guard and more.
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