You've been told since childhood that you need to brush your teeth every day, at least twice a day, but do you know why this is so important? If you do not understand the risks of not properly brushing your teeth, you will be far more likely to slip in your routines and neglect your oral hygiene. Tooth Decay The most common risk of not brushing your teeth is tooth decay, which is simply a build-up of bacteria that eats its way through the enamel of your teeth, essentially rotting the tissue. Plaque accumulates on the surface of your teeth and if it is not scrubbed away, it will harden into tarter. Tooth decay will ultimately lead to dental carries, or cavities, that require fillings. They can be extremely painful and they are terrible for your oral health, sometimes leading to infection. If you are not properly brushing your teeth, you run the risk of developing chronic tooth decay, which will cause multiple dental carries. Gingivitis Many people mistakenly believe that their teeth are the only casualties when you are not properly brushing your teeth. However, your gums suffer just as much from the accumulation of bacteria, and if you don't take care of your mouth you will likely develop gingivitis. Gingivitis is a disease of the gums that produces symptoms like swelling, redness, sensitivity to hot and cold, and general irritation. The gums might begin to recede along the tooth as tissue is lost to bacteria and decay, exposing more of the tooth and weakening your teeth considerably. There are other gum diseases that can result from not properly brushing your teeth, many of which are unpleasant. Bad Breath If you don't properly brush your teeth, the increased bacterial activity in your mouth can cause you to have bad breath. This is not only unpleasant for you, but it can also make social situations awkward and leave you uncomfortable with communicating to others. Heart Disease According to Fox News, a recent study indicates that not properly brushing your teeth can actually lead to a greater risk of heart disease. The study identifies a link between gum disease and atherosclerosis, a form of cardiovascular disease. Not properly brushing your teeth does not automatically mean that you are going to suffer from atherosclerosis, but it does mean that you are at greater risk. Furthermore, an increase in oral bacteria can lead to infections that reach the bone of the jaw and other areas of your system, creating significant health complications. If you are not properly brushing your teeth, however, it is not too late. Developing a healthy regiment if brushing and flossing your teeth will have a positive impact on the future of your oral health. Associated Content. “The Risks of Not Properly Brushing Your Teeth.” March 2011
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