Science has proven this concept of “biochemical individuality” long ago. The variety in types of cuisine from culture to culture has pointed its finger to the fact that human beings can live and thrive off very different types of food as well. Whenever I talk with people about metabolic nutrition there is an intuitive understanding, which often makes them say, “that seems like common sense.” So the million dollar question is…..why does every book you read and every healthy weight loss program you come across say, “this is without a shadow of a doubt what you need to do!!” The answer is….Money. It’s not good business to tell people you know what- "this may or may not work for you, but give it a shot anyway." The reality of it is that any practitioner or researcher who works with nutrition knows that individual responses vary significantly. So what should you as an individual do to figure out what works for you? (1) Answers can be found within programs that do not ignore uniqueness, but take it as a given, and work with it to figure out what balances out your metabolism. As we all respond differently to food, the program should have a way of helping you to figure out what foods you respond best to. The program should not have a one size fits all approach. (2) Qualify your results in your experience. If your metabolism is being properly balanced out, your individual imbalances should start to right themselves. If you need to lose weight, you should start losing weight. If you are lethargic and fatigued, your energy should increase. If your immune system is weak and you get sick all of the time, your immune system should strengthen and your sick time lessen. This may seem obvious, but I work with individuals all of the time who have been working hard at following programs that are not helping to bring them in the right direction. If your program is not working, and you are doing all that it asks, question the program and make some changes.
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