A man who could hardly pass his 14th grade exam by securing less than 45% marks, a man who failed to succeed in honest business, a man who flunked in sports, and a man who was refused a place in film industry was selected to become the Finance Minister of the largest province of Pakistan at the whims of a leader of military’s authoritarian rule. And there he rose to the Premiership of a country that portrayed her as an Islamic power. This degradation of leadership is not only witnessed in Pakistan, rather the same is reflected in the selection of a “chaiiwala”, a man whose hands are stained with “bloodshed” of Muslims and Christians in India, and a man who was denied U.S. visitor’s visa for years. Though, a video appears in the social media showing Microsoft CEO, wiping his hands after shaking hands with Modi, yet can the Microsoft CEO wash his hands after shaking it with the stained hands full of blood of Mr. Modi in Gujarat riots. Both India and Pakistan are regressing through their leaderships. The old civilizations of Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro and Nalanda are a forgotten memory of the past. KASHMIR: The rule of the game in resolving the dispute of Kashmir is not a rocket science. It needs courage and resolve. The late General Zia could have resolved it, had he not fallen a victim to Soviet conspiracy that killed him in an air crash. A strong covert operation by Pakistanis have to be carried out to destabilize Kashmir, Khalistan, Assam, Manipur and Tibet has to be conducted followed by a swift and short war with India using gamma rays technology. This technology will collapse the electronic system of Indian nuclear installations and will make the entire Indian air space vulnerable to Pakistan’s defense system. Who has the gamma rays technology? Certainly, Israel has it. How can that be acquired? Effective diplomacy by Pakistan to lead the GCC in defeating Indian and Iranian designs is essential for the region. THE FOREIGN POLICY STRATEGY Iran’s expansionist designs squarely linked to Russia and India is detrimental to Pakistan’s national security interests. China’s role has nothing to do to favor Pakistan. The pro China, pro Russia and pro Iran elements in Pakistan are believers of false convictions, which are creating the major problems in Pakistan’s national security. These elements need to be watched. Besides, elimination of the menace of corruption and crime in Pakistan, an aggressive foreign policy linked to the United States, the Arabs, and the Jewish state is vital to Pakistan’s national security to defeat India, Iran and Russia in the region. This will place Pakistan to play a key role in establishing a two state solution living side by side at peace, a realization of an American dream with a peaceful Palestinian state and a neighboring Israel. There is a need to negotiate a deal to lease out a U.S. Air Force base in Skardu to deal with U.S. led coalition in annihilating terrorism, and in return getting the entire Pakistani debts wiped out. Promote Pakistani interests in Afghanistan through Skardu factor, and benefit from a trillion dollars U.S. investments in Afghanistan. Additionally, this will attract Japanese investments in Pakistan, and the inflow of Japanese Buddhist tourists to Buddhist places of worship in Gilgit promoting economic growth in GB. THE IMPEDIMENTS: Just few questions: 1. Why has the U.S. object to a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council by India? Why not Pakistani so called friend China? 2. Has Iran ever supported Pakistan at the borders in cleric regimes? 3. Historically, has Iran ever fought a war, other than Sunni Muslims in the region? 4. Has Russia ever supported a Sunni regime to defend including her ally, such as Saddam or Qaddafi? 5. What is Pakistan’s trade balance with Russia as opposed to the U.S.? 6. How many Pakistani expatriates work in the Arab GCC, as opposed to Iran? CONCLUSION: Actions are louder than words. Mr. Prime Minister, if I were you I would have succeeded in resolving the issue of Kashmir, And would have emerged as a much stronger leader of a nuclear state from the world forum after submitting my balance sheet on: Reminding, Pakistan’s role and sacrifices in the current war on terror as opposed to India is essential, while promoting Pakistan’s role as a gateway to the Middle East, and Central Asia overseeing China from the valleys of Skardu is vital. This needs resolve and courage. I’m afraid, something is missing here. NOTE: THIS STATEMENT SHOULD NOT BE VIEWED ON SECTARIAN LINES. WE STRICTLY BELIEVE IN RELIGIOUS HARMONY. ALL CITIZENS ARE EQUAL. NO DISCRIMINATION CAN BE PROMOTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. http://www.zemtv.com/2015/09/28/check-out-the-nervousness-of-pm-nawaz-sharif-during-his-speech-in-us/
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