A casual or proper organized participation for any aim, competition or may be for physical fitness is termed as ‘sport”. Baseball is also one of the very famous games in the planet. Baseball was introduced in the north of America by immigrants and refugees but in the mid of 18th century, an early form of this game is played in Great Britain (England). Later on it was much popular in America and by the end of 19th century baseball stood as an identity of united state of America. The modern and virtual form of baseball is fantasy baseball “Fantasy” is a world of dreams, where all things are far from reality they exist but only in fairyland! It means that they have no physical existence. They are nothing except imaginary and virtual. Now days where there is an easy access of internet, there are more than 30million people just from USA or Canada who like to play fantasy games. A report from “nbcsports.com” is that there are up to 6 to 7 million people who just like to play fantasy baseball. Among all fantasy sports, fantasy baseball is most popular. Where people are judges, managers of the game, even there is a bid for every player, set of rules, instructions for competition. There are a lot of people who bet on this fantasy game, some enjoy and some earn. Baseball is a very interesting game played with a round wooden or metal bat and usually a white leather ball. This game is played between two teams in a cone shape ground with 3 sided boundaries. There are four bases on the ground at the distance of 90 feet. There are 7 fielders on the ground except baler (pitcher) and a catcher (wicket keeper) behind the batsman, wearing a very interesting glove on his hand and in a very aggressive gesture. After hitting the ball while dropping the bat the hitter rushes towards other base and all the players on the bases will proceeds towards next base and on the next ball there will be new hitter. Players use helmets for their face safety also. Nine innings will convert the game a professional game. Any team who score most will be winner of the game! If you want to have more information regarding fantasy baseball, you can logon to www.draftstreet.com and enjoy more about your favorite game.
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Fantasy, baseball,