As you purchase a new vehicle having the ability to acquire guaranteed car finance can prove to be exponentially beneficial. With the implementation of this particular type of financing individuals will be able to acquire bad credit car finance. This means that regardless of what your credit score is, you will be able to acquire the car of your dreams with minimal hassle. With the wide variety of different benefits that are associated with non-status car finance, the options are relatively endless. Guaranteed car finance was originally developed for individuals who want to purchase a new vehicle but that do not have a beneficial credit score to do so. As a new feature to auto financing, this innovative method allows car dealers to sell brand new vehicles to individuals regardless of their credit score and credit history. The majority of agencies that provide guaranteed car finance do so for free and all that the buyer needs to do is request the amount of credit needed to finance the car. Acquiring non-status car finance is relatively simple as the process is designed to benefit the buyer. Once the buyer has determined what car they wish to buy and where to buy it from, they then apply for the guaranteed car finance with the financing company. The buyer will also be required to bring the following information: • Full name • Full address • Photo identification • Details of employment • Bank statements and banking information • A present utility bill • Proof of mortgage or payments of rent Once the individual has supplied the financing company with this information, their loan is then filed and the money will be deposited into your account. Bad credit car finance is essentially a rent-to-own process. Once the buyer has financed the car, the financing company will then become the sole owners of the vehicle. From then on the buyer will pay the financing payments to the financing company on a monthly basis. Once the total amount of the car has been paid off, the buyer will then be given the title to the vehicle and they will become the sole owner. This method can prove to be exponentially beneficial for first time buyers or people who simply have a difficult time purchasing vehicles due to their bad credit history. With the implementation of guaranteed car finance, individuals all over the world are provided with the opportunity to acquire the car of their dreams within a reasonable amount of time and with limited hassle. Nathan Ward is the owner of Guaranteed Car Finance. You can find out more by visiting
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