Many people are accustomed to free checking accounts and don’t really want to pay the fee to keep their money in the bank. Free checking account facilities are available in quite a few banks that will give you the facility to draw your attention and an in turn save you your money. The age of the Free Checking Accounts is not totally gone, just that they are now very limited and selective. While there are many that are still offering a free checking account, the services they provide are starting to be limited. Most have access to Online Banking services, but access does not always mean you can use all of the available service without a fee anymore. US Bank is a great example o this. They have a free checking account with a minimum deposit of $50. The online banking options allow you to monitor your account. You can even have access to your account via a mobile network. One thing that is missing is the ability to pay bills. It is not mentioned at all unless you take one of the other checking accounts which go for a monthly fee of $6 and $20. The basic checking by CitiBank is also free. There is no minimum balance required but you need to have a direct deposit lined up with the account and make 5 non-ATM transactions a month to prevent you from having to pay a monthly fee. You can also pay bills online and pay bills by checks. If you do not meet the minimum qualifications for free checking each month,, there will be a $8 charge to your account. The free checking accounts of the past as a way of attracting new clients are gone. The financial industry as a whole has decided to get rid of them. Some of the smaller community banks still offer them and they are your best bet if you wish to avoid this nuisance fee. We strive to bring you the latest and most accurate data possible from the home sites of the financial institutions we name. Always remember, the bigger the risk, the larger the reward or loss. Invest with caution. For additional resources involving financial help, please view Sovereign Bank Online, PNC Online Banking, Best Banks Rates, best bank savings rates, Westpac Online Banking and Online Banks at
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