Dogs are naturally inclined to support their companion. They care about you, even if they can’t say it. They always have time for you, though it has to be said that they may not want to take a bath when you want them to. But, for the most part, having a pet dog is possibly one of the best things that ever happened to its owner. What is it about a dog that impacts our lives so splendidly? Sure, we love having a friend around that wants to do whatever we’re doing, but there are a few particular aspects that affect our lives in a healthy way. Top 3 Reasons Why It’s Great to be a Dog Owner 1. Dogs make socialization easy Who can resist patting a happy friendly dog? Dogs are an instant icebreaker. What kind of dog is that? What’s her name? We all have questions that spring to mind when we meet a dog owner walking their loveable dog. Any dog owner can testify to the fact that once you have a dog, it’s an instant conversation starter. Some of the best places to meet other dog owners are at the park, through training classes, and even through online forums and discussions, posting a picture and your own story is a great way to start some conversation and talk about how great your pup is. Not only is this good for you, but it is also great for your dog. Socializing and familiarizing with other people and pets helps your puppy to develop a friendly attitude that will likely turn them into an irresistibly loveable dog that wants to get out there and attract some attention for the both of you. 2. Dogs help you stay in shape While dogs are a great way to socialize, they also have a positive effect on the body. Owners tend to maintain their health better than the average person. When we have a dog, we tend to go out for walks and enjoy a more active lifestyle. When we have a dog, we are naturally more inclined to live a healthy lifestyle. They keep us motivated when we don’t feel like doing anything but watching a game or chatting with fellow dog owners online. While the average individual can stay at home today instead of going to the gym, we understand that it’s necessary to take our pup for a walk. Plus, it helps to reinforce this “encouragement to exercise” when they show up at the foot of the couch and drop the leash at your feet. It seems like it’s impossible to stay still when there’s a dog around because their main priority seems to include playing with you. Your dog just gives you the look that says, “Nope, it’s not time to sit down; we’ve got some walking to do and I’ve got to see what’s going on down the street.” Additionally, studies have shown that young children exposed to pets tend to less likely develop allergies later in life. It seems a little strange, especially since most would regard dog fur and dander as instant allergy instigators. But during childhood, the introduction of pets can reduce the likelihood of developing allergies by one third and strengthen immune systems. 3. Dogs bring out positive feelings in people While the body is important, it’s often that the inside matters even more. At times, we can feel a little depressed, perhaps because you caught the flu. Dogs instinctively seem to know that something isn’t right, and their special talents are needed. Dogs are perfect for our heart and soul. They’re always there when we need them, and are loyal no matter what. When we’re feeling down, we can always depend on our dogs. They are always there to offer a few licks and hugs to make us feel better. Keeping up with your pet supplies can be just another thing you don’t want to have to remember. After a long day at work and going to the store, the last thing you want to do is have to go “to the store” again. Consider home delivery of your pet supplies!
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pets, dogs, dog owners,