There are three existing fundamental types of ADHD recognized by American Psychiatric Association (APA). They are the ADHD-predominantly inattentive type, ADHD-predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type and ADHD-combined type. These ADHD cases are based on the existing symptoms found on the patient. There are also instances wherein the symptoms of ADHD case are not found on the three identified types. Still, an individual can be diagnosed with the disorder. There are various factors that are considered by doctors and specialists treating the disorder before claiming that a certain individual is having an Attention Deficit Disorder especially when it comes to children. Physical examination, interrogation and discussion with the patient, gathering of information about the patient's social, emotional, behavioral and psychological background and having behavioral rating scales and checklists of probable symptoms usually done with the help of parents and teachers are measured before hand to be able to carefully assess the patient's case. Some behavioral problems exhibit by a child may be similar to those of ADHD. Thus, it may be difficult to assess whether the symptoms experienced by a child is that of Attention Deficit Disorder or any other recognized behavioral disorder or co morbidity of other disorders with ADHD. Because of their inattention and hyperactivity, children with ADHD may encounter academic problems such as having a hard time in their writing and mathematical skills. A testing for learning disabilities is a remedy given to children with their teachers helping and facilitating them with the examination. Many written and verbal examinations and evaluations are given to patients suspected having behavioral disorder in order to identify specifically if what disorder they are undergoing. By this, proper treatment may be applied and given to them. There are also other tests available to assess the child's case considering the symptoms found. These are also given to identify whether the patient is under other medical problems and to explain the indications as well. The following are the tests and examinations given to the patient: Hearing and or Visual Examination - this influences the patient's performance in the community especially in school, Red Blood Cells Count - this can help identify at the same time if the patient is having anemia, Lead Exposure Test - the amount of lead found on the patient's body can otherwise be associated with ADHD and other health problems, Thyroid Examination - lack and excessive thyroid hormone can influence an individual's attention and energy and Seizures - this can create actions and behaviors which are not normal compared to those who are free from any diseases and disorders. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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