Parents always want what is best for their children. It is very important for you, kids, to obey your parents at this early stage of life. This will make you into better citizens when you grow up. Here are some simple rules that you have to abide within your home or community: Do Not Yell At Anyone. Yelling is a very rude behavior. If you want to convey something, you can express it a clear but moderate voice. Learn To Listen. You should not only talk all the time but you should also listen to what your parents, siblings, teachers, classmates and friends are saying. Do Not Hit Anyone. It is not good to hit anyone when you are mad or if you want something. Say it in a nice way and try to talk to your parents about your issues. Share Your Thoughts and Feelings. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your family and friends will enable you to have better relationship with them. You will avoid misunderstanding and any conflict that may come across your way. No Speaking of Bad Words. Do not use curse words when you are mad or simply conversing. It is not pleasing to listen and it does not help in any way. Be Polite All the Time. Saying "please", "thank" you and "sorry" are the most common example. When you are polite, people will like and respect you. Be Respectful. Show respect, not only to the people older than you are, but to all the people around you. Listen to what your parents tell you because they know better than you are. Also respect the belonging of others. Always ask permission to borrow or use the things of others. These are only some of the many rules you have to follow in order to be better individuals in the community. As early as now, you should learn to follow these because as you grow up, you will handle more responsibilities and you will follow more rules and regulations. It is important that you learn to be teachable and cooperative in any way possible. For more transforming strategies for ADHD, visit
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