I never really knew what the skin disease in dogs called Mange was or what caused it so I decided to do a little research. To my surprise, there are two types of Mange in dogs which are caused by mites, sarcoptic mange and demodectic mange. Sarcoptic mange is caused by Sarcoptic mites that tunnel in the skin and causes intense itching, thickened skin, and loss of hair. It is usually found on the dog’s ears, face, legs and elbows. Sarcoptic mange is contagious and can also be passed to humans, so it needs to be treated quickly. The most common cause of Sarcoptic mange in dogs is exposure to other infected animals. Places such as kennels, animal shelters, dog parks, groomers and veterinary clinics can be high exposure areas. The exposure generally occurs about two to six weeks before the first symptoms of mange are displayed. There are three types of demodectic mange: localized, generalized and demodectic pododermatitisis. This type of mange is usually transmitted through nursing from the mother. Dogs with autoimmune deficiency problems appear to be more susceptible to this type of manage. Demodetic mange is not contagious and there is no concern that it can be transmitted to humans. Localized demodectic mange means it is contained to one area, usually the face. Generalized demodecitc mange means it affects more areas of the body and can occur anywhere on the body. Its symptoms include inflammation, scales, lesions and rashes. Pododermatitisis means inflammation of the feet. Veterinarians use skin scrapings and hair samples to diagnose mange. Localized mange may heal on its own within six to eight weeks. Animals with generalized or pododermatitisis mange need to be treated by veterinarians who may prescribe a daily oral medication and weekly chemical dips. There are some homeopathic products on the market to treat mange. There is a homeopathic pet shampoo that uses homeopathic ingredients and calming essential oils to provide natural relief from skin parasite irritation. I would try something like this for localized demodectic mange, but would consult a veterinarian if my pet had generalized or pododermatitisis mange. There are also some interesting home remedies which I found on the internet. These include home products such as hydrogen peroxide and borax, honey, or lemon, and/or honey. However, it is very important to have a veterinarian diagnose the type of mange the animal has before treating it with a homeopathic product or home remedy.
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