The efficient and sustainable treatment of industrial effluent is essential to ensure harmful bacteria, chemical, solids and other hazardous waste does not enter our waterways. The risks of that are numerous, not only in terms of polluting the environment and therefore harming plant, animal and aquatic life, but also by causing harm to humans through toxic chemicals and other dangerous pollutants. Every business that uses water as part of their operational processes should and must set in place a wastewater management system to ensure the effluent they produce is properly treated before its release or, as is the case in many industries, recycled and reused. A professional wastewater treatment company will consult with a business to implement a system that is bespoke to their needs and offers the most appropriate and effective solution. Choosing a Wastewater Treatment Company Before engaging a wastewater treatment company, it’s important to ensure not only are they reputable (professional references are a vital barometer of this), but also that their goals encompass innovation, good practice and compliance. You should be confident the company is committed to achieving the three following goals. To Remove Pollutants The most basic and obvious goal of treating industrial effluent is the effective removal of chemicals, bacteria, metals, organic matter, solids and other debris and contaminants. Once this task is achieved through a range of systems and methods (reverse osmosis is one example), the water can be safely reused or released into the environment in line with government regulations. To Uphold Compliance There are strict and complex regulations around the discharge of industrial waste, and these vary depending on the country and region. Ensuring adherence to these is one of the most important jobs of a wastewater treatment company, requiring a comprehensive understanding of the ways multiple industries manage the effluent produced by their processes. This includes identifying and classifying hazardous and harmful chemicals, bacteria and toxins, and maintaining up-to-date knowledge regarding the safe transportation, disposal, and/or onsite treatment of effluent. Protect the Environment Minimising the impact on the environment is a key goal in the treatment of effluent, and something that’s coming under increasing scrutiny. The impact of harmful waste on ecosystems cannot be overstated, and protecting the country’s waterways from pollution is an issue that’s growing more important with the increasing strain on dwindling natural resources. While discharge of effluent is highly regulated, it’s up to the individual businesses to respond in an ethical and responsible way, by installing and maintaining effective treatment systems that ensure their water quality not only meets but exceeds requirements. One Size Doesn’t Fits All All three of these goals are intrinsically linked to one another and it’s almost impossible to succeed at one without the other two. Water stewardship and the effective, sustainable management of industrial effluent is highly complex, so it’s important to partner with a professional wastewater treatment company to consult on an individual basis. Every industry and every business within an industry will produce different levels and quality of effluent, so the solutions need to be equally diverse. Author Plate Sean Clifford is an advisor at AllWater Technologies Ltd, a wholly independent wastewater treatment company providing consultation and equipment, including reverse osmosis water systems. Bringing together a host of experience and specialist knowledge, the company is committed to building and maintaining long-term relationships and creating maximum value and benefit for their customers.
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