Piranha attacks on humans is not very frequent in fact the native’s don’t fear piranha attacks at all they have their kids swimming in the infested waters, where humans and piranhas attack and prey on same food source as humans, Native humans know about the danger involved in attacks and there have been piranha attacks in the past where some native fisher men have lost their life or some piranha attacks ended up killing natives, however the natives have no choice but to get into piranha waters as the rivers usually flood their homes.. This attack happened when an excavator fell in the Amazon river, the true home to piranha attacks on humans, employees working for a gas company were informed about the danger involved about the previous attacks, employees while carrying out work on a gas-line for Petrobras unaware of the attacks the operator broke the glass to free himself but wounded his hand trying to escape, the blood attracted Piranhas, now when they attacks humans they have a reputation of eating flesh out of bones… look at what happens when piranha attack humans.. The deadly piranhas attacks is probably the most feared thought in the world in freshwater. This fish in the world is the most feared. The attacks Tales equaling that of the great white shark and have been told of the dangers involved in dealing with piranha , piranha which possesses a full set of razor sharp teeth and use them as a tool when piranhas attacks. The piranhas travels in a large group, or a shoal, and collaborates to attack fairly large animals even 10 times its size. attacks Tales on humans have been told of how the murky waters of the Amazon River are not safe due to the presence of the piranhas or the attacks. Piranhas attacks stories have been circulated throughout the globe of unlucky people accidentally falling and facing an attack in the waters and humans getting consumed by the attacks, in fact the piranhas can turn humans into bones in a matter of seconds, It is true that the piranhas attack prey much greater their size, but the piranhas attacks reputation as a man-eater has been highly exaggerated by the piranha haters. In fact the majority of piranhas species do not even eat meat. According to the Eco traveler's Wildlife Guide of Peru, “There are 25 different species in the Amazon…Regardless of their reputation of piranha attack on humans, this fish also eat a lot of fruits floating in the water. Only six species of piranhas are primarily flesh eaters as adults. Even then this fish attacks they usually eat form of fins and scales of other fish. In Peru humans can safely swim without fearing attacks in the infested water without any attacks from piranha. The book continues to state that “We regularly swim near these piranhas , and in 30 years have never had so much about the piranha attacks – except on a fishing line” .Ricardo is a native of the Amazon Basin in Peru where these piranha attack stories evolved from and states that he has not heard of anyone being bitten by piranhas or there being any attack, while swimming in the piranha waters where we have piranha. He continued that the only times he had heard of piranha attack or people being bitten by piranha was after the piranha had been caught and was flopping around on the bottom of the fishing boat near shoeless fishermen obviously attack for self defence. click here to read and see more about Piranha attacks By Adam Yezid(Blogger)
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