“I never got your email about that…" How many times do we hear this phrase in our working day? This type of incident occurs much more often than we realise and the truth is that a large amount of emails get lost on the web every day. For this reason, one of the most important factors in determining the success of your business is the reliability of your email system and the guarantee that every email correctly reaches its destination. Good availability of your email system ensures maximum uptime for your business, since any business, whether it is online or offline, needs reliable communication with its customers and all stake holders at all times. In today's highly competitive world, people want to be able to do business at any time and in any place, day or night, and email has become the crucial platform supporting these transactions. It is therefore vital that a company’s email system has no down-time, and is accessible from any computer anywhere in the world with an internet connection. In the unfortunate event that a company’s email server crashes, this can have a devastating effect on the business due to loss of information and the challenges of restoring it (if possible), as well as the knock-on effects of not having email for a period of time: missed opportunities, frustrated clients, even loss of business. Customers expect a high level of customer service and your company should be able to guarantee this. Employees too need permanent access to efficient tools in order to work to their maximum potential. It is therefore essential to have the most reliable email system available along with high specification hardware and software. The competition is fierce and competitors sometimes will do better than you if you do not always keep up a trustworthy high quality service. Another vital element to your business success is to have an IT support team that can be contacted by telephone or email at any time of day or night. This ensures that your business is fully functional on a 24- hour basis and 7 days a week. This, plus the need for ongoing maintenance and efficiency, can place difficult demands on internal resources if you maintain your own email system. An Email solution that ensures maximum reliability with minimum pressure on internal resources is Email Hosting, where the task of hosting and maintaining email servers is outsourced to a third party expert. Email hosting providers such as Rackspace have the experience and technical resources to guarantee their customers a 24/7/365 service and 100% uptime, as well as additional benefits such as web mail and guaranteed backup of all data. By choosing an email hosting provider, a business can confidently promise the customer service every client expects, knowing that their email will not let them down. In brief, a poor email system will definitely affect the quality of communication with customers and stake holders, whereas a reliable and performing email system boosts the standard of your customer service and is therefore well worth the investment. Today, image and company reputation have never been more important to the prosperity of a business, and having a reliable email system makes even more sense in the current tough and changeable economic context. Email hosting is worth considering for any business looking for reliability in these difficult times.
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