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Technical education in Maharashtra by Shiksha Team

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Technical education in Maharashtra by
Article Posted: 11/04/2012
Article Views: 151
Articles Written: 45
Word Count: 596
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Technical education in Maharashtra

The world is moving ahead at a blinding speed, riding on the latest technology developments. To make sure that we are not left behind others in this race, it is necessary to be better equipped with knowledge and expertise in handling the technology. This calls for a deeper understanding of technical terms and concepts, for which a highly effective technical education system is an indispensable requirement. In addition to being highly informative, this education also needs to be truly global, which looks into the issues bugging the progress of technology all around the world. Therefore, it is time to review and if required then reform the teaching methodology and the course content of technical program-mes running in the colleges of our country. Growth of Technical education in Maharashtra

Maharashtra, the second most populous state of India came into existence in the year 1960, which opened a new arena for technical education. New government colleges as well as private colleges started, which rose in number with the passing time. To have a perspective of the growth, in 1980, there were only 9 institutes that offered degree courses in Engineering & Technology, which had a total of 2934 seats. This number significantly grew to 170 colleges in 2007, which offered a total of 55691 seats. Engineering colleges in Pune, Mumbai and Nagpur lead the other colleges in terms of rankings. Further, with more awareness and better school education, the number of aspirants going for technical education also grew.

Factors responsible for growth

The main factors responsible for increase in the establishment of new technical institutes in Maharashtra are:

• Better educational culture: Pune & Mumbai Universities are more than a century old and they serve as a rock solid foundation for starting new educational institutes in the state. In addition, the government also has in place favourable policies, which has resulted in a large number of influxes of students from foreign states as well as countries.

• Setting up of IT parks and SEZs: Maharashtra is one of the richest states in India if we consider the per capita income of its citizens. This decidedly benefits the local students to carry on with their higher studies without thinking about the costs involved in it. Establishment of IT parks also created more job openings, and filling them requires a constant supply of skilled manpower. This has again fuelled the growth of engineering colleges and Biotechnology colleges in Pune, Mumbai and other regions with greater presence of MNCs and big corporate firms.

• Increasing awareness and aspirations: Maharashtra has higher literacy rate than most of the other states of India. This effectively means that people here are more aware and initiated for considering higher education as a necessity and not just as an option. There were many educational activists and visionaries who promoted the cause of higher education in the region. This propelled the growth of institutes of higher learning in Pune and Mumbai.

However, a steady progress in technology necessitates improvising on the existing course content and starting new courses in emerging technologies. With the dawn of the new century, there are a lot of challenges that the technical education system of Maharashtra as well as India, needs to face in order to stand in the global competition.

Author Bio

Saurabh Tyagi is an expert author, with an experience of over 4 years in writing content. He loves to write on topics related to career, education, real estate and technology. A gadget freak and social media enthusiast, he also keenly follows the latest trends in digital marketing.

Related Articles - Engineering colleges in Pune, Biotechnology colleges in Pune,

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