The performance of the student in class XII board examinations in itself decide a lot about whether he will be able to live his dreams or not. The result directly affects the chances of getting into the university colleges since every college has different minimum percentage requirements for different courses. If a student has secured that minimum percentage level of the respective course in the particular college, he can get the admission, and vis-à-vis. All this makes it very important for every student to give a performance of their lifetime in the board examinations. They should practice from all the sources at their disposal such as text book, coaching institutes, guess papers, sample papers etc. Also, just buying these books and storing them doesn’t help, while preparing for class XII board exams, a student must make a mental not that he has to study for at least 12 hours a day. Only this will ensure his better performance in the exams. The XII class sample papers, are considered next to the main text books. These papers are prepared with a lot of hard work by different professionals and teachers associated with the different publication houses after a in-depth research about recent trends, changes, etc made by CBSE with respect to question paper pattern, marking scheme, important and removed topics, etc. XII class sample paper books are available in the market as well as in the form a downloadable version provide that the respective publications and websites allow so. Otherwise, these can be practiced online itself in the same time limit, pattern, marking, etc. XII class sample paper is a very effective practice medium via which a student not only understands the types of questions that can be asked, but he also a gets a good knowledge as well as practice about the following: 1. Different ways in which a single question can be asked. 2. Important topics and the marks for each. 3. Different ways of answering the same question 4. Completing the full paper within the time limit 5. And a good source of relaxing the mind from stress/tension. Before practicing from XII class sample papers the students undergo issues like peer pressure, stress, tension, etc. A reason behind this is that till that time, they are not even well prepared from the course books and hence XII class sample paper practice is out of question. With time, when they regain their strength in terms of being thoroughly prepared from the course books, there is a requirement to test their knowledge via a number of XII class sample paper from books and internet.
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