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America's Political War by Mike Deubig

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America's Political War by
Article Posted: 08/25/2018
Article Views: 2713
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Word Count: 1774
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America's Political War

Current Affairs,Government,Research
In 2014, acting CIA Director John Brennan had allowed his people to hack into the Senate Intelligence Committee's files along with e-mail accounts from certain Senators' staffers. Brennan took a stance on the issue. He said at the Council of Foreign Relations, "'Nothing could be further from the truth,' 'We wouldn't do that. I mean, that's just beyond the scope of reason." Later on, he finally had to admit guilt as the inspector general uncovered the hacking. There were calls from the left for Brennan to be fired including media outlets like the Washington Post.

Today, critics have come to his defense because his security clearance was removed in 2018, long after he wasn't working for the government anymore but rather for CNN. He had other issues as well, he leaked critical information about a double agent who was still working in the field which could have gotten the agent killed. There are people living in tents in one of the most expensive places in the country such as downtown LA California! The homeless population is exploding in California. One of the reasons for the increase is illegal immigration! Open borders creates government dependence rather independence for the individual, it also creates a burden for the community while disrespecting the laws of the land. Some lawmakers mainly in left-leaning districts have put illegals in a position to fail. Think about it. You invite the world to come and live in your city, but most of them don't have the job skills to live in such a high society! Therefore, they become depended on the government for many years and thus, getting more votes to get certain political figures in office, and creating more government control over people's lives! Mexico has also benefitted from illegal immigration because many illegals have sent billions of dollars back to that country over the years.

Legal immigration has made a positive impact on America, although it still needs some adjusting with some tweaks to make it easier for legal immigrants to become citizens but illegal immigration has been used as a tool for political power. There are other issues which can be addressed perhaps in a future article in regards to immigration policy, but I just narrowed it down to make a point.

Education is an important issue, especially in today's world. Each side of the political spectrum both Democratic and Republican brag how much money they either want to spend or are spending on education. There has been a great deal of research over the years about how much students retain from their education and how much of their job skills are learned from education compared to on the job. Also research on how much their education teaches them about culture, politics, religion, science and how employers use education as a way to judge people in regards to intelligence, and future work ethic. When your educational credentials are stronger than your ability you earn more but if your educational credentials are weaker than your ability, you earn less. Other factors play a role as well, like in the case of promotions, the employer may judge you on certain educational tests, if your test is higher than your co-workers, you earn more, if it's lower, you earn less. Testing is considered more important. Human bias also plays a factor. But in a quest for political power, education is a powerful tool to advance a particular agenda, if the educational system is mainly under a certain political slant which it is. Innovation is important, but under the educational system, only 5 percent of the students major in engineering and 2 percent major in computer science while 5 percent of the students major in biology and biomedical science. Most of the brightest stay at the universities as professors using their skills of creativity only for academic purposes with no real commercial value.

How important is the education? Is education more important than recruiting businesses to your district? Are both equally important? For the quest for political power, education on both sides is vitally important. It's way more than just teaching a student job skills, in 1936, the National Educational Association stated, "We stand for socializing the individual…The major function of the school is the social orientation of the individual…Education must operate according to a well-formulated social policy." Moreover, Paul Haubner, an NEA specialist once said in regards to public education, "We must change their values." This has been the propose of public education since it began in the 1840s. If companies judge more by educational advancement and local or state governments make it easier for more students to go to college even though higher education can become extremely expensive, the culture will be more educated under a certain political slant which they believe will help them not only to get into power of running a country but to stay there for a long time.

During President Lincoln's time, Democrats who were trying to rewrite history claimed the Declaration of Independence which stated "All men are created equal" did not include blacks. Lincoln rebukes the illogic with this..."I believe the entire records of the world, from the date of the Declaration of Independence up until 3 years ago, may be searched in vain for one single affirmation, from one single man, that the Negro was not included in the Declaration of Independence."

In today's political war, racism and even slavery which has been abolished for many years are still being used as a political tool by Democrats who embrace socialism. Because historically blacks favored socialism more than capitalism. In the 1930's when the New Deal was being implemented, which taught entitlement, redistribution of wealth, we find there was an increase in blacks favoring Democrats even though at the time, Democrats were very openly racist as they did not consider blacks being equal with whites. But they were starting to win them over with government programs. Entitlement meant more power for the government and less power for the people. It was the new plantation. Progressives wanted to change the culture if that culture was considered racist for example, it would implement government programs to fix the problem. For example, in 2000, President Robert Mugabe took farmland away from white farmers for a cost of 20 billion, which caused an economic meltdown. Shortages of food, and consumer goods which eventually lead to massive inflation. Currently, South Africa wants to model itself with what Mugabe did because they say, blacks are growing impatient (feeling entitled), they want their land back! Unless the new owners are as good as the old ones, this would also cause an economic meltdown. And bring about unnecessary hardship on its people whose standard of living would drop but this would cause more control for the communist government which is the objective. Unlike the North and South Democrats who were fighting for slavery while Republicans located in just in the North were fighting against slavery. Randomly taking land away from a certain group to give to another isn't correcting a wrong! Even though the founders of America wrote in some Biblical principles like "all men are created equal" they were influenced by secularism of their time so they made mistakes! These mistakes were later corrected which was in line with "all men are created equal" in the original document (Declaration of Independence) which became part of our government.

North Korea is another prime example of a country using communism/socialism in order to control people's lives. Donated food is often times taken by the government from other countries or private organizations because the North Korean government wants control over the flow of everyday life which includes food. The country is considered either a prison or modern-day slavery camp.

America's aging population is also being used as a weapon for the political war. Each President no matter which side has made some sort of promise to make Social Security and Medicare strong usually by similar methods with a few modifications that makes them slightly different for each party. Many people who have older relatives that require special places to live for their medical and safety needs like nursing homes know that Medicare doesn't pay dollar for dollar for those needs. Some nursing homes become private as they cannot stay afloat by accepting those strictly on Medicare. Others have restrictions such as a required amount of money before one goes on Medicare. While places like California want to invite the whole world into its cities, the state is not meeting the needs of the elderly and the future of the baby boom generation when they retire.

How would you like the government to control your money? In a way, it does already through various government programs. We pay into social security to help us when we retire but where does that money go? It doesn't go into the bank! Nor does it go into a trust fund to be later used for retirees! The government spends social security right away. How long did you think you would last if your whole paycheck was spent right away? But doesn't the government borrow to pay it back? Yes, it does! But the government's ability to keep borrowing and maintain trillions of dollars of government programs is dwelling. The baby-boom generation in 2030 will have 80 million more people drawing from the system. But what if people take more control over their retirement money? IRAs and Roths have shown many people are not spending that money right away, it remains in investments and the returns are so much higher than what the government will give you or may not be able to give you in the future.

Then there is capitalism as it began to flourish in the Southern United States, people left the Democratic party and became Republicans, the trend of racism went down. In fact, most of the old Dixie Democrats like in the 50s and 60's who advocated inequality among blacks and whites remained with the party only two left to join the Republican party.

In this political war, the American people will have to make some tough decisions coming to this mid-term election for 2018 and elections after that, the question remains, are they willing to let the government control their lives in exchange for government programs, or are they going allow people to succeed in life or fail? Are they going to allow competition or are they going to let the government take over? Yes, this is one big political war because of its impact on the lives of the present and future!

Related Articles - socialism in America, racism, capitalism, political views, conservative views, liberal views, ,

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