With nuisance dust a growing problem across the American, construction dust control has become a requirement by most states. It is because of this requirement that plans for construction dust control must be drawn up and implemented on almost every construction site that is larger than 1/2 acre. The components that this plan has to include are any receptors that are sensitive to vegetation and water that are within 1,000 feet of the site. A map should be made of these receptors and submitted to the local health authority for review which often times includes their approval. For a construction dust control plan to work effectively it must contain a way to monitor the amount of dust in the area. also included should be ways to minimize or reduce the visible dust. The recommendation is that visibly dry soil that has been disturbed, including unpaved roads, should be sprayed down with water at least three times a day. This measure does not have to be done on non-working days or when sufficient moisture has fallen to make the surface not prone to producing dust. The plan needs to include steps to deal with the wind. Wind direction should be monitored and recorded so downwind areas can be checked for dust contamination. In some areas, a third party consultant has to be employed to verify that the proper steps to monitor are taken to minimize visible dust. This third party should also have the authority to close operations until the risk of creating excessive nuisance dust is decreased. The use of dust control devices is suggested where useful. This would include, but is not limited to, windbreaks, plastic tarps, and a tree line or shrubs. The final requirement of a typical construction dust control plan is to control the speed of vehicles over the unpaved landscape. This is the biggest factor in reducing nuisance dust. Additional information can be found regarding how you can eliminate dust nuisance, especially in construction areas where dust is most prevalent. Check out the Dust Stop Zone for more Free information.
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construction, dust, control,