Although mobile application development is pervasive, it is full of making difficult choices. The demand for applications is insatiable. However, developers have to decide which subset of the available mobile market they want to write an application for, in order to get a profitable return. In the fast evolving mobile world, the hope for getting a common or uniform mobile application development platforms has diminished. Developers tired WAP solutions, they became obsolete. Symbian technology also lost its significance in the middle of mobile evolution. However, none of these technologies were at fault. The speed of innovation is the problem. While one thing progresses, the other fades out; and the main challenge for developers is to create an engaging application. What does the term engaging application reveal? Creating an engaging application is well-performed only by experienced mobile application development partners. The term in itself encompasses of building a smaller yet interactive and comprehensive interface, choosing the right network for application fast wireless data delivery and creating application very fast so that the significance and momentum of the app does not wither. Let us look at each of these challenges in detail: The interface challenge (Fitting large applications into a diminutive device): Interface challenge has always been there and will persist till we gain uniformity in devices (which will seldom happen). The shape, size and properties of each device vary; and hence, the design specifications for app will vary. There are many mobile application development platforms, and there is a strategy to build for each platform. Top companies such as Sybase, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems etc, who have created mobile versions of their applications, have their strategies. The simple paradox is, if we try to fit something built for 17 inches into a 7 inch pocket device, challenges are bound to occur. Some developers use transcoding engine to transform their existing app into a pocket device; however, the result doesn’t end up looking good. Dealing with the front-end will always be a separate development effort; however, the solution is to try and retain as much of the backend and middle tier code. The connection challenge (Delivering apps over the network): It is understood that all time connectivity is not possible. When a user is in the bowels of a warehouse, he cannot expect connectivity there; but semi-connected network is essential. An app has to be able to store information in anticipation of ultimately being wirelessly connected or placed in a synchronization mode. Fast application development: Proper mobile application development training is needed to justify this act. The mobile environment provides many frameworks, but guidance is required to know which framework fits to the requirement and offers fast development. Mobile devices are ubiquitous. Challenges will always persist in this kind of environment where apps have to be delivered on varied platforms and devices, while providing the best user experience.
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